You Rescue Him

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A/N~ Holy shit guys it's been awhile. I've been so busy lately and I kinda forgot about this book to be honest. To all of those who waited for my lazy ass to update and are still here, thank you for your loyalty. Here is a new imagine, I hope you enjoy it!


  You sighed in dread as you headed for your next class- math. Blech. Everyone at your school despised it, and it didn't help that both math teachers were total assholes. You sighed again as the bell rang and the hall cleared of students. Oh, great. Now you were late too.

  You stopped in your tracks as you heard yelling. What's going on? You rounded a corner to find a group of jocks surrounding a boy. He was clearly new; you were pretty popular and knew most people in school. The poor boy was sitting down with his knees bent upwards in an attempt to protect himself. He was crushed up against one of the red lockers.

  "Hey," you shouted, "what do you think you're doing?!"

  One of them turned to you, and you recognized the face of Ryan. "We're showing this new kid who's boss around here!"

  The boy looked up at you, fear shining in his bright blue eyes. The fedora that topped his head hung askew, and his light brownish blonde hair was sticking up messily in disarray. His terrified expression screamed 'help'.

  "Last time I checked, the teachers are the boss here," you retorted. You glanced to your left pointedly, where the door to the literature class stood.

  "Jesus, (Y/N), you can be such a buzzkill sometimes," Ryan muttered scornfully. "C'mon, guys, we're late for class." Ryan's little flock of friends followed him down the hall.

  "Are you okay?" You asked, approaching the boy and helping him up. You realized he was rather short, only about an inch taller than you.

  "Uh, yeah," he stammered. "Thanks for your help. I'm Patrick."

  You told him your name (even though Ryan had already mentioned it) and smiled. He returned the smile shyly. "So, what's your next class?" You questioned.

  "Math. You?"

  "I've got math too; we can go together," you suggested, grinning.

  "Okay!" Patrick replied cheerfully, obviously happy with the arrangement. The two of you walked to math together, and that was the start of your friendship, best-friendship, and finally, your relationship.


A/N~ Whoop whoop! That was fun, if a bit short. I think I'll update a preference too today. Thanks for reading!


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