Music Vs. Crushes

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You, Pete, Patrick, Madison, Alice, Joe, Andy, and Rachael were sitting in a circle deciding what to do.

  "Let's listen to music," Patrick suggested.

  "I want to know who everyone likes!" Pete whined.

  "You think we'd tell you?" You snorted.

  Everyone looked at Rachael as she spoke up, which was rare. "We should perform a song using our crush's instruments. Then we wouldn't have to actually say who are crushes are."

  Everyone looked around. "It's music for Patrick and crushes for Pete," you pointed out, shrugging. Everyone nodded in agreement to do it.

  "Alright, everyone get your crush's instruments!" Pete said in a loud announcer voice.

  As you got up and moved towards Patrick's guitar and Andy's drums, Alice cut you off. "HE'S MINE! DON'T YOU DARE TAKE ANOTHER STEP TOWARDS THOSE DRUMS!" She roared. You blinked, alarmed, then inched around her and quickly grabbed the guitar. Alice immediately brightened. "Oh. Never mind."

  You rolled your eyes as you hopped next to the bass-wielding Madison. The boys all looked really happy. Maybe it's because they like us back?

  "Um, what song do we do?" Madison asked. You shrugged.

  "Let's do Sugar We're Goin' Down!" Alice said cheerfully.

  The girls looked at each other and nodded in mutual agreement.

  "Sugar We're Goin' Down it is." You said.

  "Lucky we all know how to use these instruments." Y/B/F/N commented as the song started.


*Time skip because I'm lazy.*


  You sighed in relief as you played the last chords of the song.

  "Finally!" Madison groaned.

  "My arms hurt," Alice complained.

  "Quit your complaining," You said, rolling your eyes playfully. "You know it was fun." You focused your eyes back on the boys. They all had their jaws hanging open. "Was it good?" You prompted hesitantly.

  "That was awesome!" Pete said, jumping up and down. He ran towards Madison and crushed her with a giant hug.

  "Pete and Madison sitting in a tree!" You started.

  "K-I-S-S-O-M-G!" The other girls finished, then laughed.


A/N~ If you guys want a part two, I'll make one. Thanks for the reads!


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