His Birthday

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  You knew it was Patrick's birthday, and you wanted to surprise him. But you had no idea how. He had been wanting a new guitar, but how could you surprise him with it? You thought for a few moments then decided you'd leave a note on the table after you bought his new guitar that said 'look in your room. You would have the guitar on his bed, and a poster just above the bed that had 'happy birthday!' on it with neon bubble letters. 

  You tried to sneak out without him noticing, but he saw you. "Where are you going?" He asked.

  "Out with friends." You lied with the first thing that came to your mind. "I'll see you later." He looked a bit hurt. Maybe he thought you had forgotten his birthday was today. Your heart broke a little. You hoped Patrick wasn't sad.

  You got into your car and drove to the music store. He had mentioned a certain model of guitar he wanted, and you had written it down on a piece of paper. He had said the white and silver one was cool. So after a bit of searching, you finally found it and bought it. The cashier looked a little surprised that someone like you was buying an electric guitar, but you ignored his expression.

  When you got home, you left the guitar in the car and peeked through the window. He wasn't in the living room. You walked back to your car, got the guitar, and sneaked in. You held the guitar carefully so you wouldn't scratch anything and quietly entered the house, going up the steps and down the hallway that led to the bedroom.. You gently set the guitar on the bed and got to work on the poster. It was pretty and colorful by the time it was done, and you wrote a note saying to look in the bedroom. You ran back downstairs and put it on the coffee table. You hurried back upstairs and found a hiding spot.

  Just as you took cover behind the door, you could hear Patrick's footsteps up the stairs. He burst into the room. Luckily the door didn't hit you and you peeked out sneakily to see his reaction. His mouth fell open as he admired the guitar. He was grinning like an idiot an looked like he was about to jump up and down in excitement.

As he read the sign, you snuck up on him and hugged him from the side. "Happy birthday!" You said cheerfully. He grinned at you. His lips connected with yours and he hugged you close.

  "I was hoping you wouldn't forget!" He said when you two broke apart.

  "I'd never forget your birthday! The cake is too good!" You joked. He grinned.

  "I love you." He murmured, crushing you in another bear hug.

  "I love you too. Now please let go, I'm dying!" You cried, grinning. He let you go and smiled.

  "Best. Birthday. Ever."


  What did you guys think of that? LOL, my friends on here probably had no idea I could write about kissing/romance. I guess that's their surprise for this chapter!


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