You Meet The Parents

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A/N~ Okay guys, so I thought I'd make this one two different imagines. One where it goes well, and one where it doesn't. So enjoy!


The Good Ending 

  You giggled at Patrick's nervousness as you drove the car to your parents house.

  "What if I don't look good enough?"

  "You're fine!"

  "What if I embarrass you?"

  "That's already happened too many times in my lifetime, I'm used to it." You argued. "Just calm down, we're here."

  "Wow." He said as he gaped at the huge house. Your parents were pretty rich. You laughed and shook your head. You led him inside, while he looked at his surroundings in awe.

  You were immediately greeted by your mother. "So this is Patrick?" She asked.

  "Um, yes ma'am." Patrick said nervously, but respectfully.

  "Good manners. I like him already!" A deep voice sounded from the kitchen. Patrick got visibly more nervous.

  "Hello, sir." He greeted your dad. After that, you all got along fine.

  Of course, when Mom and Dad pulled out the home tapes, you immediately said it was time to go. "Your parents are really nice!" Patrick said once you got outside, grinning.

  "Until they break the home videos out."


Bad Ending

  "Ugh! Pete, they're not gonna like you!" Patrick complained. They had to take Pete because his parents had to go out of town and didn't trust him alone.

  "Why not?" He jokingly stuck out his bottom lip.

  "Because you have tattoos." Patrick said simply.

  "And guyliner." You added. The three of you chuckled.

  "Uh-oh." Patrick said as you pulled up to the house. Your dad was waiting.

  "This is weird; why isn't he inside?" You furrowed your brows.. As the three of you stepped out, he walked towards you.

  "You have two boyfriends?" He asked.

  "No. We had to take Pete." You said, gesturing to the tattooed boy.

"Oh." He said, still glaring suspiciously. The three followed him inside.

  "Pete, I swear to god if you mess this up I'll murder you!" Patrick muttered.

  "My parents are... sort of crazy. Very, um, pure," You warned the boys.

  "In other words, against emos," Pete clarified.

  "Quiet!" You barked as you entered the house.

  "Damn! This house is fuckin' huge!" Pete exclaimed loudly.

  "Pete! Language!" You whispered. You led them to the kitchen and everyone took a seat. You glanced at your father nervously as he glared daggers as Pete.

  "You watch your mouth, boy!" He threatened.

  "Just leave him alone." Patrick's mouth fell open and his eyes widened, shocked a his own words.

  "What did you say?!" Your dad hissed, getting in Patrick's face.

   "Fuck off!" Pete defended his friend.

  You and Patrick scooted towards the door. "Pete, c'mon!" You said.

  He stood face to face with your dad for a few seconds before realizing he was half a foot shorter and no match for the bigger, older guy. He blinked and high-tailed it to the door.

  The three of you escaped outside. You got into the car and started the engine as soon as possible. As soon as you were on the road, Patrick glared at Pete. "Goddammit Pete!"

  Pete grinned. "Language, Patrick!"


A/N~ What did you guys think about that? Say in the comments if you like the bad ending or good ending more.


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