Alone Together

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It was a cliche, rainy night and you were just about done with the world. Your parents had caught you making out with a boy and your phone and all other electronics were confiscated for two months. At the moment, your parents were out of town for their stupid anniversary. You'd thought of taking your stuff back but you had searched the whole house and came up empty-handed.

A loud beep sound echoed from the front yard, jarring you from your thoughts. You walked over to the window and peered out into the darkness. You could see Pete's car out there, the bright yellow-white headlights illuminating two strips of the asphalt driveway.

You licked your lips in anticipation and ran outside, counting your lucky stars that your parents were gone. "Waddup, loser," Pete greeted you as you reached the car.

"Hey, rat," you replied, noticing (Y/B/F/N), Andy, and Joe in the back seat. You hopped in the passenger side. "Where we going?" You asked.

"Not sure yet," Pete answered. "Going to pick up Patrick for now."

"Where will he fit?" You inquired, your heart jumping a little when Pete uttered your crush's name. All the seats were taken. Pete started the car.

"He's tiny; he'll probably be able to squeeze in back," Pete said.

You nodded and shrugged as Pete drove to Patrick's house. He beeped the horn and pulled into the driveway, just like he did at your house. A few seconds later Patrick emerged, wearing a puzzled expression.

"Why are you here?" He asked, immediately opening the back door and squishing in like Pete said he'd be able to. "Where are we going?"

"I dunno, but we've got room for one more troubled soul. You in?"

"Obviously," Patrick smirked.

"Anyone in for a good ol' road trip?" (Y/B/F/N) piped up.

"Me!" Everyone cheered.

Pete peeled out of Patrick's driveway and they set off down the road.

Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now