First Date

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  You patiently waited in the Starbucks for Patrick. You sighed in disappointment as you checked your phone and realized he was 20 minutes late. Just as you had checked what time it was, you got a call. You answered. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! I was so excited I forgot my phone clock was about 20 minutes slow! Please forgive me!" Patrick exclaimed right after you picked up. You got butterflies and a wave of relief.

  "It's okay, Patrick! Just make it here soon, please!" You told him.

  "No problem." Once again, the line stayed on. "Remember, you have to hang up this time."

  You chuckled and grinned. "Okay. Bye!"

  "Bye!" You hung up.

  A few minutes later, you saw Patrick walk in. He paused for a second, and looked around for you. He grinned when he saw you and sat down in the seat across from you. "I'm still, really, really sorry about being late." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

  "It's okay. Hey, you made up for it getting here really fast." You joked. He grinned. You two sat at the back of the store, and no-one was there but the staff.

  "Are we really lucky, or did you rent this place out?" He said, laughing.

  "Lucky. I'm too poor to rent this place out." You smirked. He laughed. Your faces were only centimeters apart. Your faces almost touched when a waiter came up.

  "What would you like, sir?" She asked, not even looking at you.

  "Um, I'm okay. (Y/N), do you want anything?" The waitress turned and glared daggers at you.

  "Um.. maybe a lemonade? Please." You corrected yourself. She rolled her eyes.

  "Fine." Before she left she paused and handed Patrick something under the table. Patrick's expression turned uncomfortable. The waitress left.

"What's wrong?" You asked. His cheeks turned red and he pushed a piece of paper towards you. It had a set of numbers on it and the waitress's number. It also read 'Call Me <3'. You giggled. "Patrick's got a girlfriend!" You sang quietly so only he could hear.

"No! I like you." His blushed deepened as he comprehended what he had just said. "Um, I mean-"

  "It's okay, Patrick! I like you too," You assured him. You paused, then pecked his smiling lips. He grinned wider, and you grinned back.

  "Um, do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend?" He asked, biting his lip nervously.

  "Sure!" You nodded, hoping you didn't sound too excited. He grinned and kissed you. You were a bit surprised at first, then kissed back.

You pulled back quickly. He looked hurt and confused, until he saw waitress walking up. "Here!" she said, slamming the glass on the table. A bit splashed from the glass onto the table and she stalked off. "Aww, look, your girlfriend's jealous." You joked. He glared at you and rolled his eyes, still smiling.

  "You wanna go?" He asked.

"Sure. Will you walk me to my car?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, this date is NOT over yet!" He exclaimed. "It went by too fast. We can go somewhere else!"

"We can always go on another one next week!" You offered, smiling in amusement.

"What about a date tomorrow? We could meet at my house."

  You chuckled. "Okay."

  He smiled. "I'm still walking you to your car though."



Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now