The Cock-Block

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  You saw your best friend, Y/B/F/N standing across the room. You followed her gaze to Pete flirting with another girl. You knew she'd liked him since she met him; she was practically head-over-heels for him.

  You decided to help your friend out and intervene. You filled a cup with bright red punch and walked over. You 'accidentally' tripped and spilled it all over the girl. She gasped and as you opened your mouth to apologize, she was already storming off.

You turned around to find Pete glaring murderously at you. You glanced past him at Patrick, your own crush. His eyes were narrowed at you, and a cold stab pierced your stomach.

"Um, sorry Pete," you said. You were actually kind of guilty for doing it.

You discreetly race-walked back to your best friend, not waiting for Pete's reply.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" She asked. You grinned at her and nodded. She grinned back.

 But she lost her grin as you spun around to face a furious Pete with Patrick by his side. You stopped grinning.

"What is wrong with you?! She was actually special!" He roared. Patrick rolled his eyes at you.

"She was probably just jealous." Patrick voiced his opinion.

 "W-what!?" You spluttered. Your BFF looked equally as shocked.

"Yea! What, so immature you can't handle your crush with someone else?" Pete taunted. You shook your head, speechless and furious at their stupidity.

"Pff. I can't believe I ever had a crush on you." Patrick muttered under his breath. But you had heard. You got up into his face.

"I can't believe I still like you!" You growled menacingly then stormed out of the door.



  I looked at the two boys.

"You should be ashamed. The only reason she did that was because I liked Pete! She was trying to protect her best friend!" I said, eyes brewing with tears. I stormed off.


I actually really enjoyed writing this one. Would you guys like a part two? This one was kind of on a cliff-hanger. Oh, and to clear some of this up, they were at a party.


Patrick Stump Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now