Chapter 1: The Red Flash...?

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Standing in front of a long white hair women with pale skin, Naruto, Sasuke and another women were fighting for their lives. Sakura and Kakashi on the side were hoping that everything would go well. The group had already been fighting for who knows how many days. A red hair woman almost as tall as the boys was standing beside the two boys, her long hair was tied up in a loose ponytail. She had violet eyes with many silver circles and three black mark in it.

The women seemed sharpen by the hard confrontation, she was wrapped in a grey cloak of chakra. She was set on finishing this fight as soon as possible, she smiled towards her teammates before launching herself on the women.

Although as she was about to attack her. The pale women punched her in her stomach. She was thrown further. As she got up a rock was about to fall on her. It would likely crush her, she tried to avoid it, but it was as if all her strength had left her. She only heard her friend's screamed her name before it was dark.



I am sure that you have already heard the story of a certain blond boy that wanted to become hokage. He only wished to be acknowledge as a person and not seen as a monster. Did you know that his story was shadowing another one? The boy of the prophecy wasn't alone, he had on more member in his large family made of friends. He had an older sister and this is her story from the shadows of her yellow hair brother.


Three Years Before the Nine Tails' Release

Kushina had just completed an S-rank mission. Since the Third Shinobi World War, her nickname was spreading like wildfire. She was known and fear among the hidden villages as the Red Death. She was the Red Reaper which had never failed any of her two hundred S-rank mission.

It was said that her mere appearance meant the failure of her opponents missions. She swiftly dealt with them, it was over in an instant. The Red Death never talked and not a lot was known about her except her affiliation and even her gender wasn't certain.

As much as she enjoyed her job as an anbu, Kushina was happy to finally get home. At the sight of the gate of Konoha, she smiled before shushined in the hokage's office. Her dear husband was in the middle of trying to defeat the greatest enemy of every generation of hokage ; the paperwork.

He was surrounded by high piles of paper. She was almost tempted to laugh at her husband's predicament but she still had her mask on. She couldn't ruin her reputation in doing that especially when she felt the chakra of other anbus in the office.

She sometimes wondered how no one had guessed that this mysterious captain anbu was known as the most efficient assassin was the Red Habanero. It was truly a miracle, people all feared her wrath as her own self. Although, they all thought that she had retired and led the life of a peaceful housewife while her husband had achieved their common dream.

This thought brought a smirk to her face, they couldn't be more wrong. Being underestimated was the weapon of the ninja, she coughed. Minato Namikaze was too focused on his work to feel her presence. She startled him, it make him jumped while grabbing a resting kunai on his messy desk. After a second, he recognized her. Slightly embarrassed vaguely hearing his anbus laughing in the shadows, he welcomed her.

"Fox, you're back! How was your mission?"

The red hair wanted to tease him but she had to restrain herself. Although, she would do so at the first opportunity.

"Thank you Hokage-sama. The mission was very simple, the target was disposed and nobody is aware of our implication" She said while kneeling.

"Thank you, you are dismissed."

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