Chapter 35 : The Mess of reuniting the Five Hidden Villages

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Amegakure, the day that the genin leaves for Konhagakure, early morning

"Don't believe for a second that I trust you with my genins." Said Konan glaring darkly at the Red Shadow.

Yuki sighed. At least, she got what she wanted and planted a seed of doubt in the mind of Pain. All was going according to her plan. She had for the occasion a black wig and put green-eyed contact lenses. She wore a light brown cargo pants along a blue turtle neck. She looked like an Uchiha. That could be an interesting story for her character, the lost weak and nice Uchiha. Oh she liked that.

"Don't think about it for a second." Said Itachi arriving behind her.

He was still as protective as ever even more than before. Since she hit puberty, he looked at her like a hawk. That was getting annoying. He prevented any member of the Akatsuki from approaching her when he was around.

"Hey kiddo, you fancy some adventure here?" said jokingly Kisame.

Yuki smirked. That made the shark man smile at her. Then arrived Deidara and Sasori.

"So you have finally decided to show us your face." Grumbled the blond hair looking carefully at her face.

As he did so, she made him fall face first on the ground. He started swearing to the point that Itachi put his hand over her ears. Although they were only a few years apart.

"Of course, it is not her real face." Scolded Sasori for once out of his puppet.

Yumi nodded at the missing nin. He was cunning and he had an unhealthy obsession with her. He got nearer to her and dropped a scroll in her hand before Itachi made him back away. The suna missing nin decided that he wanted to play that way? Very well. She shall entertain him. After all Kabuto was the worse spy that he could have used to find information about her.

"Hn." She simply said looking at Itachi.

The Uchiha made a disapproving face.

"No, I am not..." he said emotionlessly.

"Yes, you are." She told her.

"What are you saying again?!" screamed Hidan arriving with Kakuzu.

"We still have a bet running on what is your exact relationship." Stated Kakuzu eyeing to those who must have bet against him. "Don't make me lose money."

"Hn...," said Itachi.

Yuki rolled her eyes. As always, he never liked anything that brought attention on her. No, she wasn't going to die over a silly bet. She hugged him lightly before nodding at the angel who was only more tensed. That was going to be such an interesting trip.


Konohagakure, Yamanaka Household, Morning

"Ino! There is a message for you!" Stated Inoichi.

Ino was in the middle of revising a new medical ninja scroll that Tsunade had just written to her. She perked out of her room. Her father indicated the outside of their house.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" she inquired, not displaying any emotion.

There was a Root anbu in front of her. She could now tell the difference in their gesture. The normal Black Opus Anbu were stoic but they still retain small gestures which indicated that they had emotion. Whereas the Roots didn't.

"Danzo-sama has ordered me to ask you and your teammate to meet at 10 AM at this location to meet your other team member." He simply.

That was surprising since when that damn elder cared about that issue. Something fishy was going on here. As she thought that the anbu was about to disappear, he remained in position.

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