Chapter 31 : Acquaintances From the Past

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Gambling Town, Morning

"I knew that you would come." Said Orochimaru looking smugly at his fellow seinin.

The medi nin was looking seriously at him not finding this a laughing matter at all.

"That girl's death has been tormenting you, right?" Stated Orochimaru now smiling at Tsunade.

"Stop beating the bush around." She said hitting the ground with her right leg making a dent in the hard ground.

"No need to be in such a hurry, I am no liar. She is still alive. I am glad that you have made that decision, things from now on will only get more interesting." He said while Tsunade started thinking that this was a very wrong idea to even come here.

What has she done and what will she choose to do from now on? That would surely lead to a tragic ending. She simply felt it. Damn her heavy wins of a few days ago said it all.

She maintained her straight face. Orochimaru needed to be stopped now it was clear in her mind.


Amegakure, Akatsuki's hideout

"Why are you here?" Inquired Itachi once he brought her to the unused room.

It was rather unusual of him to display any emotions but Yuki Namikaze was the only crack in his emotionless mask.

The girl nearly gave him a nervous breakdown when she uncovered that much of her real identity. Nothing good would come from revealing this. Yuki upped on the bed.

Seating comfortably on it as if everything was perfectly normal. Nothing in her presence was. He never expected her to actually join like this the missing nin organization!

"Why shouldn't I be here? I told you I was coming beforehand especially to avoid this scene." She answered getting out an apple of who knows where and starting to eat it.

He snapped at her and that was it.

"To begin with, you only explain half of why you are in this position. I am no foul, you left out the most important part such as to why you are doing all this!!!!" He said rambling frantically.

"This is for me to know and for you to figure out, Nii-chan." She said sweetly.

To be honest this gave him the creeps, she never use that tone with him only with Shisui when they used to mess around. He dislikes it, but at the same time, he felt his heart soften when he heard her call him brother.

Damn brain! Wouldn't you mind working correctly? Where is the Uchiha persona that your father drilled into your mind? He took deep breath a few times before relieving some tension by flicking hard on the forehead of the girl. It didn't crack her mask but he knew that she felt it.

"Come on Itachi, there is no need to ramble over this. I am not going anywhere, you cannot change my mind." She said smirking clearly under her mask.

"I am only trying to do what is best for you. For your sake and Shisui's sake. "Said Itachi, looking gravely at her before sighing. "There is no other ways, it seems."

"I am glad to you acknowledge that." She said simply now completely relax.

Itachi couldn't believe that he was about to do that. It was simply for her good, he stretched his arm. A crow, Yuki's crow landed on his arm. He activated his Mangekyou sharingan and stared at Shisui's Mangekyou.

Yuki needed to quit the side of Orochimaru and the Akatsuki, she belongs to Konoha in safety and far away from a group of missing nins trying to get either her sharingan or simply advantage of her.

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