Chapter 83 : Uchiha Brothers Reunited for the Better and the Worse?

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Warring State Era, Uchiha Territories, Afternoon

"Madara-sama?" asked a member of their clan, running after them. There was no way to take a break peacefully with his aniue.

"Yes?" answered his older brother calmly, albeit a bit pissed off.

"Your father has asked you to attend the clan meeting of this evening." Informed them the Uchiha. He nodded and then the other Uchiha left quickly.

"Since I have awakened my sharingan, I am getting even busier than before...." Complained his brother waving at small kids of their clan, playing together.

"It was to be expected..." said Izuna, shrugging.

They walked the rest of the way to their hideout in silence. Simply looking at his older brother was enough for him. He admired him so much and respected him so much. There was no one that shines brighter than him in the entire clan.

"Damnnnn!" he heard from above him. Then something fell from the sky. A black short hair girl landed right in the harm of his older brother. But he could see some red on the edges of her hair. What was going to happen to his poor older brother again? Madara nii was too kind for his own good.

"Oh...I am sooo sorry, I was just gathering leaves..." she fumbled, but Madara nii was already blushing looking at this strange girl. "I am Asuka..."

"Madara," mechanically said his brother.


Present days, Wind land, hideout of the sect

"As if I let you...Filthy Uzumakis..." said Izuna having stabbed Akiko. He removed his katana from the body of the Uzumaki and looked at Sasuke and her. "It seems that I have been revived to be used against you...but no ninjas, especially not the right hand of the Senju, will ever utilize an Uchiha this way!"

The Uchiha stepped on the hand of Akiko hard to the point that he screamed then he stabbed his hand with the katana earning him three more screams.

"This is not the end...." Declared the Uzumaki, which screamed of pain from being stepped once more on his hand.

This was going to be, though. Yuki was barely capable of fighting. Her grey aura and her fusion of rinnegan and sharingan was hard on her body. He would have to use his EMS to send Yuki away, Izuna was simply enraged.

"Uzumakis need to be dealt with, as soon as I will have finished with you, I shall kill all the remaining Uzumakis." He said cruelly, looking at Yuki. "But you, I have several questions for you, you have relatives, no? I shall begin with them and make your kind an example, the Uchihas are back..."

Sasuke was going to regret this. He gave one last look to Yuki. He was ready to do anything for her. Even if this love was unrequited and that Yuki didn't even seem ready to consider anyone right now.

"Take care of you..." he whispered pushing Yuki into a portal which led to Konohagakure. It would take her some time to get back here. She had yet to mark the place with her personal seal. "I love you..."

He could see her shocked face. Her beautiful eyes which had reverted to blue because of her lack of strength and chakra. The boost of Okami had ended. She tried to grab his hand, but he didn't let her the chance to.

"SASUKE, NO!" she said, desperately trying to not get in the vortex.

"HAHAHAHA!," could only start laughing Izuna, he had an even more malicious and sadistic smile. "You wanted to protect her? But it will not work, as soon as I am done with you, she is next, dear descendants."

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