Chapter 69 : The Valley of the End

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Ten Years Ago, Konohagakure, Playground

"Whom are you waiting for Naruto?" Inquired Sasuke Uchiha. Trying not to look like he cared. "I thought that no one ever came to get you."

The Uzumaki looked at himself proclaimed rival.

"My neechan..." Trailed Naruto looking at the entrance of the park.

"You have a neechan? A real one?" Pressed him, Sasuke. Naruto didn't know why the Uchiha seemed so interested in this oneechan of his.

It might be related to his own older brother. Who knows? Naru had seen the Uchiha being less and less accompanied by Itachi. It was blurry but he still recalls seeing Sasuke being disappointed of only seeing an Uchiha member or his mother. At least, he had a family.

"Yuki-nee is my oneechan, but we don't have the same parents." Exploded the Uzumaki making the Uchiha back off never having seen him like this. "She is my most precious person on the world!!"

"She is not even your real oneechan!" argued Sasuke coming back nearer to the blond hair. "My oniichan is one hundred percent better than your oneechan!"

This made Naruto growled at Sasuke. No one could insult his older sister like that! It was one thing that the village seemed to always treat him badly but his neechan was blameless. Naruto jumped on Sasuke and they rolled into the dust starting to fight. Naruto felt blood fell from his cheek. He didn't care.



At once Sasuke stopped and got up. Naruto was met with an exact copy of an older Sasuke; he looked upset. On the other hand, he could see his neechan fuming. Her hair was dangling in the air. That meant bad news. He was in deep troubles.

"Is it the way to treat a friend?" questioned him, Yuki. She had this fierce look which commanded only the truth. It wasn't often that she showed him this side of her. "That is what I was thinking. Come on Naru. Your friends are your strength. You have to cherish them."

On that Yuki neechan crouched to flick his forehead. It made a small bruise. Some tears fell from his eyes. It did hurt.

"OK ... I get it neechan.... I am sorry...." Mumbled Naruto looking at Sasuke. "Hey, I am sorry, Sasuke."

The boy of the same age didn't look a tiny bit happier to do this. But his older brother pushed him towards Naruto.

"I am sorry too.... I was reckless, it will not do it again." Said the Uchiha his hands in his pockets. He looked at his older brother for approval.

"I am so sorry on my little brother's behalf, Yuki-san." Said Itachi Uchiha bowing and making Sasuke bow also reluctantly. "I should have arrived earlier to prevent this from happening."

"There is no harm, it was Naru that started it. We are the one, sorry." Declared softly his neechan. She looked at the older Uchiha in a way that Naruto couldn't describe. It was as if they knew each other more than let on their way of addressing each other. "Have a good evening."


Valley of the end

"Now neither of our siblings nor teachers are there to stop us, Naruto. This time, I will not have mercy. If you stand in my way, I will kill you." Declared Sasuke readying his own katana.

Naruto sighed, it was true. They did fight once when they were younger. He had forgotten about that, he met Itachi before meeting him as an Akatsuki's member.

"Sasuke be reasonable. There is no need for this. Itachi fought for the sake of Konohagakure, he wouldn't have wanted this!" Tried to argue the blond hair.

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