Chapter 20 : Unexpected outcome

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At the arena, on the platform

Tsunade did not fully understand what happened but Fugaku Uchiha which was the incarnation of her grand uncle's perception of an Uchiha which was cold, emotionless and solely focused on his clan seemed to lose his composure. The moment that Yuki made her winning move on Itachi, her sharingan's patterned changed. It became similar to a lotus flower in full bloom with a shuriken over it. It was quite curious, but the Uchiha clan kept like every great clan secret the way that their kekkai genkai worked.

The fact that outsiders like Kakashi Hatake possessed the sharingan was insulting enough to the clan, they weren't about to disclose more information on their precious eyes. The son of White Fang was lucky enough that the clan respected the wishes of his deceased friend to let him keep their precious kekkai genkai. This change of pattern in Yuki's eyes must be a great deal to the clan. It wasn't looking good for the young girl.

"This is unacceptable! It is the proof that her eyes belong to the Uchiha clan and were stolen from us! I demand reparation!" Screamed Fugaku Uchiha while the prodigy beside him became white like a sheet.

"Fugaku-san, I don't understand what happened." The Hokage tried to calm him. Although the patriarch was still beyond mad.

"This is the next stage of the Sharingan, it is only possible for a few to obtain it...!" he claimed while Shisui Uchiha nodded. He was still in shock himself.

This issue with Yuki's eyes was far from over. The poor girl would be right in the middle of the mess. She and Itachi jumped on the platform.

"I am even starting to question if she is really the daughter of the Fourth Hokage and not my hidden child." Fugaku stated. The Hokage didn't know what to say on that matter, he knew of the past relationship that the last Uzumaki had with the patriarch. It was no secret, they did have a deep bound, but he doubted that it was that. It couldn't be...?

That was it, Tsunade snapped. Her hair almost went up. She may not be full blooded Uzuamki or even half of it, but the same blood was in her veins. She was undoubtedly a descendant of that clan. Tsunade may be reasonable but no one should piss her off.

"What are you saying?! Of course, she is Minato's daughter. Don't forget that I was there when Kushina gave birth to her and her blue eyes are proof that she is their daughter!!!" exploded the Seinin beyond pissed.

"That doesn't mean anything, she may be Kushina's daughter but her blue eyes could be a mutation from mixing two founding clans!" Fugaku argued.

He was lost in his craziness, there was no way to make him see the truth. It was unbelievable, Yuki was the perfect mix of her parents' appearance. She is a perfect fusion of Kushina and Minato. Only an insane person would dare to say otherwise. The little girl helped Itachi by supporting him before letting him in the care of the doctor which was present for eventual injuries.

As she heard them argue, her face paled. Tsunade was about to run towards her and comfort her but the little girl started to cough up blood. She let on a puddle of blood before passing out. Shisui which was the nearest caught her. The Seinin went immediately by her side to start healing her.

There were serious internal injuries and the unlocked of her new sharingan exhausted her vast reserve of chakra. Although, the slug princess felt another foreign chakra hidden deep in the girl. It was odd but she didn't take more note of it. It must have been her last reserve of chakra given by other people before the fight. What else could it be?


At Konoha's hospital, three days later

"We must do something, the situation is getting worse as we speak!" declared Homura Mitokado while Koharu Utatane nodded along.

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