Chapter 14 : Politcs Are Everywhere

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"It is you!"

A pale skin and almost white eyes boy said while Yuki was standing in front of the class. The teacher looked scandalized and the class was ecstatic. How did Yuki ended with the once-in-a-century genius of the apparent Hyuga clan pointing fingers at her? She sighed deeply. It was going to be a long day for the little girl, she just knew it. It was so troublesome.

She internally scolded herself. Yuki should really spend less time with the Nara clan. It was rubbing on her. She couldn't do much about it each time that her jiji was too busy she went to sleep over their house. The last time, she had even spent a whole week with them. At that time, she had had so much fun. Especially when she found out that it was pretty fun to scare Shikamaru. He was easily frightened by small things before his brain brought him back to reality. After pranking him, they started to bickering about it. Most of the time, it led to awake the monster that lies in the chief of the Nara clan's house. It was even more frightening, Yoshino Nara was not getting over the fact that they had messed up her house. She would run after them in all the clan's compound a fried pan in her hand screaming profanities with a dangerous smile.

It had even become a common subject of gambling in the clan, how long would the children last against their matriarch. It was a lost fight and they knew it but it was better to at least try to escape. They ended up with swollen cheeks and head. Shikaku would laugh at them loudly, it could be heard in the entire compound. That was until his wife caught him laughing and started to lecture him about giving the good example for the children. When the Hokage came to collect her, he had a bright smile and eyes that shined with amusement. Yuki found it not so fun. Although most of the time, they weren't causing trouble and simply did naps or watched the cloud. Nothing out of the ordinary, but this extended stay at the Nara proven to be different.

When her jiji had explicitly forbidden her to approach any kind of snake, she had laughed. Although what happened during the first night make her question how much her grandpa was serious. She was cuddled with Shikamaru when she woke up. She felt a wind on her face. It tickled her cheeks which force her to get out of her deep sleep. She has first saw the window which she was sure to have closed. It wasn't really suspicious, Shikamaru may be a genius but he was still a lazy. It was normal, a Nara will always be a Nara, incredibly smart but also incredibly lazy.

She mainly got used to it. She got up to close it, swearing to never make her best friend forget it again in one way or another. She was thinking about purposely increasing the training difficulty of their training session. She liked to see him trim and he liked to see her struggles with his charades, it was good war. When she was about to close it, a small white thing appeared on the window. She had to blink twice to realize that it was a snake.

She didn't react thinking that it would go away but it went towards her. She slowly tried to back off, not wanting to wake up her friend. He was horribly grumpy when he wakes up before he had enough sleep which practically never happen because his mother would wake him up before it. Ok, he wasn't that worse but he was still being so troublesome to handle in the morning. Ah damn it she had thought it again. The Hyuga boy was still bombarding her with questions but she didn't really care.

Anyways, she looked at the small serpent that wraps himself around her favourite bracelet. It was a gift from one of her mother's friend. It became one with it. Although before she could question if it was a dream, she heard it saying something before becoming a white rope that blends with the purple rope of her bracelet. Take care of yourself, little star. I will not be able to communicate with you for a long time. Then the deep voice stopped.

She stayed there for a while before shrugging it off. She merely fall back beside Shika which grunted because of the impact. There was a time where you had to prioritize things more crucial than a mysterious voice, sleeping was far more important for the moment. So she tried to get back to sleep. Maybe the Nara clan had influenced her a tiny bit.

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