Chapter 55 : Endo Tensei and the Red Death

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[A/N: From this point, I will roughly rush through all the stories of Endo tensei towards the main timeline or the events that I consider really important. Although, I like all the story arcs of the Endo Tensei, it brings so much more depth to the characters!]

After the White Zetsu's invasion on the battleground

"NARUTO UZUMAKI!" screamed Tsunade standing in the way of a transformed Naruto.

He had, of course, to escape from the turtle island. All of this was going against their plan to protect them. Damn Uzumakis. She could very well curse her grandmother's clan at this point. Yuki and him were certainly the same and she didn't doubt that Kushina was as much if not more stubborn than them.

"Please, allow us to fight in this war!" begged Naruto bowing at her and the Raikage.

From what she heard, Naruto foolishly went after the Raikage to ask him to spare Sasuke and not make him a missing nin. He also bowed at him and A scolded him for doing so. Although, the kage seemed to be rather thoughtful.

"Who are your two suns that empower you enough to keep captive your tailed beast?" inquired the Raikage.

This made B, his brother, smile. It seemed to be an inside story between the brothers.

"My parents and my sister." He said making the raikage nod at this as if he was reminded of Minato Namikaze and his crazy love for his daughter. When Yuki was kidnapped, he simply went crazy. He attacked all kages, Onoki himself still apparently has nightmares of this attack.

"But aren't they dead? How can they ground you enough to keep the beast inside of you?" inquired A.

This choice to prevent the other villages from learning that Yuki Namikaze was still alive might cost her a lot, but it was the better choice. The one on which she would gamble her life.

"They are still the reason why I have this very dream to end the eternal circle of hate. My parents sacrificed themselves to save my life and my neechan gave me my dream to become hokage." Said Naruto smiling brightly.

Kakashi told her that Naruto seemed to already know that Yuki was his sister. This meant that this second student of her had outwitted all of them. The fact that Yuki managed to hide that she was a Junchiriki was amazing enough. Tsunade had the feeling that it might have something to do with the Uzumaki fuinjutsus.

"Very well, Raikage, I am ready to take on the bet that you were talking earlier." Said Tsunade referring to her first encounter with the Raikage.

"If you are sure, I have been convinced then." Grumbled the Raikage. "HQ, we are allowing Naruto and B on the battlefield."

"Yosh! Dattebayo!" screamed Naruto.


Akatsuki's hideout

"Sasuke, I am coming back. Summon me if you need." Said Yuki leaving a scroll with a flask of her blood.

On that the Red Shadow was about to depart, it was about time to join the battlefield. She felt the chakra of her ototo. This was going according to her predictions.

"I supposed that you are off to the battlefield?" said Tobi having changed his gown to a more Uchiha's clothing. She met a sharingan with a rinnegan.

"Yes, I am going to oversee the Zetsu. I don't trust them, Kabuto should soon start the Endo Tensei. I shall take possession of some of them." Stated Yuki.

The so-called Uchiha patriarch went forward her, she almost expected to be hit. He had this aura or at least trying to have this murderous aura. Instead he patted her head and messed yet again with her hair.

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