Chapter 32 : Sasuke's Defection of Konoha

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A/ N Hey guys! How are you? We are nearing the end of Naruto and the beginning of Naruto Shippuden! Are you excited for it??? OK I know this chapter may seem dull but it is for the greater good, trust me, interesting things are coming!

Konoahagakure, Hospital, a Few days after Tsunade has been nominated Hokage

"Leave me alone, Naruto." Stated Sasuke.

He was yet again in a hospital bed. Whereas Naruto had not only grown but had gone on a journey with of the Sannin and brought the new Hokage back to the village. He was boiling inside. It was so unfair that zero was becoming stronger than him. There was no way that it was happening. He had to be the strongest, Naruto was merely a dead last. Then since, he woke up, he thought that mystery hooded kunoichi. Who the hell was that?

"Come on Sasuke, no need to be so mean to Sakura. She spent every day by your side." Stated Naruto warning him.

That was enough, it was intolerable. They would settle this once and for all, he was the strongest. His sealed mark was burning on his neck.


Orochimaru's hideout, Sound village

"There, it should maintain him alive just enough to find him a new body." Yuki Namikaze said.

She took off her gloves and throw them. She hadn't wasted her years of work with Tsunade. One thing that she had to give to her foolish old teacher was that she was a master in medicinal ninjutsu. Tsunade was lucky to have found a student like her that could match her knowledge and Uzumaki heritage.

Kabuto was waiting for her leaning on the wall of the operation room. He had a smirk on his face still having a nasty bruise on his face. The subordinate of Orochimaru was always smug whenever she did an operation, she only wore her two masks and had to take off her hood. It exposed her red hair. It was not an issue, Kabuto thought that she wore a wig.

Men sometimes and ninjas being accustomed to disguise couldn't believe that she'd let out her real hair. It was too obvious, Yuki was starting to think that the Red Death was in fact really an Uzumaki. It was the easiest disguised being in plain sight.

"We have to do something soon, your network reported that the Uchiha boy is about to burst up." Said Kabuto his hands were bloodied.

Oh, it was just great. Kabuto had to murder her spy to get that information naturally no one of her network would have to utter a single word to him otherwise. She would have to replace that spy in Konohagakure. They weren't expendable at all, it was very hard to plant them in the hidden village of the fire land. Damn, poor man, he didn't deserve to die at the hand of that feeble Kabuto. She would have to contact his family.

"I would have appreciated if you had waited to extract that information." She said coldly, putting back her hood.

"There is no time to waste, Orochimaru-sama is in dire need of a new body. We have to hurry up." Said Kabuto looking like a lost dog.

That damn power hungry guy, was he really worried for Orochimaru-sensei or that his advantage to gain more power would vanish?

"I understand but from your blood, it hasn't been long since you have disposed of my informant." She growled washing her hands.

"It is for the good of our master, I had to do it." Replied Kabuto as if questioning her loyalty.

"You have made your point, Kabuto. Then we shall discuss of this when Orochimaru-sensei awaken. It should take a few hours." She said.

Yuki didn't want to have anything else more to do with that little shit. She simply used her Hirashin and vanished. Kabuto remained there.

"One day, I will get you, Red Shadow and that day will come sooner than you think." Muttered the medi nin.

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