Chapter 40 : Don't Mess Around Uzumakis

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Sunagakure, Hospital, early morning

"White fang, I shall avenge my son and his wife today!" screamed an old lady.

Ino didn't even pause at her. Tsunade-sama informed her that Lady Chiyo might be present. Her so-called rival. She simply went past the granny while they sort this misunderstanding out. She looked at Kankuro. He was indeed being infected with a very potent poison. She started analyzing him.

"What do you think you are doing? He is beyond help, the poison of Sasori is not curable." Said Chiyo over her shoulder.

"It is not for me." Said Ino calmly having finished to examine him.

"Only the Slug princess could find a counterpoise to this one, sadly, she has become the hokage. It is unlikely for her to come just for that." Said the granny with a solemn expression. She was trying to pin the blame on her sensei even though she wasn't even there or made aware of the situation.

"Luckily for you, I am the student of Tsunade-sama." Said Ino unpacking her own medical kit.

This made the old pair of sister and brother amazed. Although, Chiyo was suspicious.

"Are you? I was told that the student of Tsunade had cherry blossom hair..." started the old granny.

Naruto was already hiding behind Shikamaru in fear of her unleashing her rage on the poor people here. The Nara had an uncomfortable expression. Whereas Kakashi seemed blissful as to why everyone was panicking but he seemed to instinctively know that something wrong was about to happen. Ino took a deep breath.

"That is filthy lie." She said as a matter of fact daring anyone to refute her statement. "That is simply the student of Tsunade's student, Shizune, that is Sakura which is nowhere near my level! I am the real student of Tsunade Senju, Ino Yamanaka! If you would kindly get out and let me treat my patient, he may still have a chance to survive!" She screamed at the end kicking out her own team and the gramps letting the granny stay at least.

"Such a drag..." mumbled Shikamaru as she closed the door and Naruto nodded affordably.

That little SHIT! There was no way that she would let this slide. From the moment that she set foot in the village, she would immediately request to have a solo medi nin mission at the Daimyo's court! There was no way that Sakura this almost good-for-nothing would reap the benefits of her hard work!!!! At Konohakagure, Sakura Haruno was tending simple wounds at the hospital shivered. She felt that she would soon suffer by her old friend's wrap. Damn.... What did she do???


Akatsuki's extraction site, the next morning

"We are almost there." Stated Pain looking at Yumi, the Red Shadow.

She was humming as they were extracting the Ichibi. At first, the members didn't realize but then as they were getting bored, they acknowledged it. It seemed like an old folk song, she was very focused on the extraction hence why she didn't seem to know that she was humming.

"Mhh, good I am getting tired of staying on the same spot." She said yawing.

As much as deadly as the Red Shadow was, the Akatsuki had to say that it's the cutest thing that she had ever said. Itachi coughed which brought back the attention on the Kazekage.

"There are intruders ... who wants to go?" said Pain opening his eyes. He expected to see the Red Shadow's hand up but no; instead she was silently staring at Itachi.

"I shall go with Kisame, he has a score to settle with Gai Maito." Explained the Uchiha.

No one else manifest their will to go. Pain nodded. It seemed that the Red Shadow was really interested in the Junchiriki for her to remain. He simply hoped that it was not for a bizarre purpose as suggested earlier.

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