Chapter 6 : Unexpected Frienship (Part II)

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Few months later

"One more time, you almost got it!" Shisui encouraged a certain Red hair.

She threw once again her kunais with her eyes closed. All of them achieved to get in the middle of the targets. He smiled proudly at the girl. Itachi not far away was reading a scroll on ninjutsu seemingly not caring about what was happening. Although, he too smiled at Yuki. Shisui had really taken this younger girl under his wing. Since the first day, he had a lot of fun with the little girl. He felt a connection that something in her made him like the girl. Quickly they started to spend a lot of time together whenever they had time.

The funny thing was that Yuki always knew when the boys didn't have a mission and went to their usual spot. The uchihas imagined that she was probably either eavesdropping or stealing that information from someone. Although, it was impossible for her to have access to such classified documents, little did they know that the hokage was too busy with his paperwork to see Yuki discreetly looking at the mission schedules.

When the two boys were training Yuki was always watching them with curious eyes while she had scrolls on kenjutsu. He and Itachi learn early on that the Red hair was very different from children of her age. She preferred to see them train or read scrolls than playing around. It made them feel suspicious of the girl but she wasn't trying to do anything.

They considered that Yuki mostly hangout with them because it was fun and interesting. Shisui bounded with the little girl mostly because of her enthusiasm and her determination. After letting her watch their training session, Shisui had proposed to train her. The girl couldn't believe it and made him repeat three times before jumping into his arms.

"Thank you so much Shisui onii-chan!" she said with the brightest smile they had ever seen on her face.

The Body Flicker was very proud of this move and that it pleased the girl.

Since that day, Shisui and Itachi had created a training schedule for Yuki which they surprisingly saw that she followed. Yuki had even double what they suggested that she should do in one training session and the progress were already showing. In two months, she was able to start to follow their own training routine and to start uchiha taijutsu exercises.

She enjoyed learning everything that Shisui showed her and was learning at an astonishing pace. Even Itachi could hardly compete. As soon as she was shown a technique, the girl learned it two hours later and at the end of their training session, she almost master it perfectly.

The worst was that afterwards, she wanted to learn another one, she wasn't even tired. Quickly Yuki came to consider him as an older brother. Itachi had never seen his friend so happy. Shisui's parents died during the Nine tails attack and he was left alone.

He was known as a genius among the clan as Itachi but no one's ever taken the time to really get to know him for who he was. Yuki was doing exactly that. She was too young to be impressed by his reputation and talked with him without expecting anything. They considered themselves as true siblings in everything except blood.

Although, while Shisui and Yuki bounded deeply, Itachi didn't. He felt that something was strange with this girl. She had bright red hair and only one person had that hair colour in the whole village, he knew whom. The thing was that she never told them but he suspected that Shisui knew already but that he chose to let it sink.

He probably thought that it was better like that, afterall, their clan was far from being in a good relation with the rest of the village. After the Nine tails attack, villagers and ninjas had started to suspect that the Uchihas had released the beast. Itachi was sure that they would see the truth, his parents were friends with the Fourth hokage's family and wouldn't have wanted the death of their own friends.

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