Chapter 43 : Definition of a Revenge..?

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Tenchi's Bridge, designated meeting time

Yuki was observing the disguised Tenzo advancing to meet up Kabuto. This had been a while since she had seen Kinoe. She only ever encountered him with his mask when the Konoha nin tried and failed terribly to chase after her. Many assassination missions were ordered, Konoha tried many times to get her head. Not that they had any chance to begin with.

"Kabuto ... You give me your report." Said the fake Sasori.

It was easy for anyone near the Suna missing nin to tell him that he was a fake but for someone that had never met him or had a deep contact with him, it was well done.

"Of course, Sasori-sama..." said Kabuto faking that he got out a scroll, but instead he threw him kunai. "But you are not him!" he said.

Tenzo quickly got rid of his replica of Sasori's puppet and stand firmly on his legs facing the medi nin.

"Orochimaru-sama and I wished to deal with Sasori once in for all..." he started.

The sannin got out of his hiding place before winking at her. Her godfather was certainly treating her differently from the rest. He had no scruples to manipulate others to make them do what he wanted but it didn't stop him from being alike a real parental figure with her. Yuki didn't doubt that he would gladly change his plans for her, but it was fortunate that they had a similar objective and a similar history.

"Although, this is not Sasori, but more like an old acquaintance." Said Orochimaru making Tenzo tightened his fist.

"RELEASE SASUKE!" screamed Naruto not being able to refrain from exploding.

Her little brother had inherited the Uzumaki mantra. People liked to say that the Uchiha were unstoppable once they had their mind set on revenge but she liked to think that the Uzumaki were even worse in that aspect. It didn't spark a dojutsu but it did motivate them a lot more and then their reason was clouded. Their clan was impulsive people but more likely bright people which lost their mind when someone attacked something dear to them. She was glad that all the brains of the Namikaze and the Uzumaki went to her, she was mainly capable of keeping the explosive side at bay.

She observed the almost released of the Kyuubi before her, it would soon be the time for her to reveal herself. Since she was by Orochimaru's side, she took special care not to be too present in the underworld more than necessary. Her entrance in the Akatsuki to serve their plans and her implication in the invasion of Konoha was only the beginning; now it was time to completely reveal herself to her opponent.


"I am in no way preventing Sasuke from leaving, he chooses to stay by our side." Stated the Sannin.

Sai could only shiver interiorly at the sight of the snake man. He was prepared to eliminate all emotions, especially fear but this time, he couldn't. The ninja was not only frightening but also his mere presence was saying that he was dangerous.

"LIAR, GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!" said Naruto once again.

Sakura Haruno was utterly scared by the sight of Naruto transforming in the Nine tailed beast, his fangs grew and his pupil become the one of an animal. He was engulfed in an orange cape. He fell on four legs and one tail grew.

"Oh but no need to get to this ... Sasuke simply choose us." Orochimaru said once again.

This us, Sai knew that this had to mean more than meet the eyes. It meant that the Sannin had someone worth calling an ally. He wasn't alone with all his minions anymore. Who was this ally? This was crucial information which he had to report to Danzo-sama. He may even let them found the weakness of the Sannin.

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