Chapter 28 : The Destiny of the Third Hokage

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A few weeks ago,

"I hope that your plan will work, Orochimaru" said the Fourth Kazegake looking at the missing nin and his shadow.

The man was really reluctant to deal with this kind of character but their situation forced him to take this decision.

Neither Gaara nor his sand ninjas were enough now that the Daimio had decided to ask Konoha to do their missions instead of asking their hidden village.

If he did nothing, their village would soon disappear. He wouldn't let it sink like that without doing anything. It was simply his duty.

"Don't worry that much Kazekage, you just have to stand right here and give the signal at the right time to your ninjas." Assured Orochimaru.

He was some shady character which would ultimately help him to reach his goal but he was wary of this ally. His shadow was even less trustable, none had achieved to be near enough this one to gather information.

The bingo book merely stated her affiliation with the Seinin and to be potentially linked to the Red Death, this Konoha anbu which would explain why she was hanging with the Konoha missing nin.

As he was about to inquire more about the details of their plan, he was stroked from behind. The Shadow of Orochimaru crouched over him and he could see it smile.

"Too bad that you will never be able to see the success of this plan, your road stop here."

The Kage grasped to breathe. It was useless, he had been had.

"Oh and I think that your judgment was wrong about a lot of things but more notably about your son, he will amaze you." It said before leaving him and killing the rest of his escort.

Damn, he had no chances to be found. He was halfway towards Konoha in the desert. He couldn't believe that he would die like this. And what did she mean by that?


Present time, Final round of the Chunin Exam, Kage's lodge

"Kazekage-san, it has been a while. How are you?" Asked the Third Hokage kindly to his fellow kage.

"Not bad, I am really looking forward to this last round." Orochimaru disguised as the Kazekage answered.

He couldn't believe how foolish his teacher had become with time. He was becoming weak.

He looked behind him to his said guard. Sarutobi was indeed nothing more than a fossil now. Not only he couldn't say that he was his old student neither could he say that the boy behind him with black hair was actually his honorary granddaughter. Hell he didn't even know that she was still alive.

Orochimaru couldn't believe that he let Kushina's daughter supposedly die like that. He must have known that the Uchihas would be after her.

Damn fool. He didn't even send ninjas to make sure that the girl was actually dead. It was irresponsible of him.

The seinin didn't want to pry too much on Yuki's motive to work under him apart from the fact that he was her kind uncle that she had a glimpse of memories.

She must have known that he wasn't a good person, but she was still willing to work under him. She was deeply loyal to him. Orochimaru still had to figure out why she was so loyal.

He knew that the girl's mother was genuine in her relationship with him, they were like best friends but this girl was different. It was merely a feeling but he was also very biased towards the girl.

He had no reasons to be doubtful of her, he did not mind that her motives for staying to by side weren't clear. She was after all his pupil and his goddaughter by his book.

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