Chapter 16 : Catalyst of a Futur Mess

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At Konoha's academy

While her original was spending time at the Uchiha's compound, her clone was doing Yuki Namikaze. She was so bored. The teacher was only spending time on trivial things. She knew that already, she had even read every possible book on the history of Konoha.

"Let's conduct practical exam now. "

All the students ran outside finally getting something interesting to do. Yuki walked not in a hurry. It was meant to be as boring. She finally understood why when she talked about this with Shikmaru, he was even less motivated to attend. She tried to convince him to enrol in the academy at the same time, but he refused on the spot.

"I am not going to enrol until my old man or my mom force me."

"Why? It would be so nice to do it together!"

"No, it wouldn't. You will see what I mean."

He was as always right. The things that they learned wasn't helping her advance. Soon she would start to sneak out to more advanced class.

"OK class, let's start by checking your aims. "

As she positioned herself at the very back a hyuga joined her. She sighed. It was meant to be troublesome. It had been like this since she joined this class two weeks ago. It started when he shouted at her during her introduction in front of everyone. Before that no one had seemingly seen this hyuga speak more than a few words.

After this incident, she had tried to ignore him but it was useless. He made it his objective to follow her everywhere she went. Yuki found him on her road even when she simply sneaked out to get ramen. Anbus would find her at the restaurant around diner hours with Neiji Hyuga by her side. She heard them beting on if the Hyuga was there or not, or if he achieved to find her the next time. It had led to an epic fight among team Ro that Kakashi had to stop, Neiji arrived a second after the anbus once. They couldn't determine which one had won the bet.

Neiji was, of course, unaware of all this. It was starting to creep her out, he was almost stalking her. At least, he did not follow her to her home. He simply accompanied her wherever she went but it stayed reasonable. Since the day he found out her name, he seemed to want to decipher her. The worst was that he tried to beat her in all given occasion from the ninja training to who will eat the most bowl of ramen. It was getting on her nerve.

"Neiji Hyuga"

The Hyuga went to the front and smirked. He threw almost perfectly all the kunais to the centre of the target.

"Good job, Neiji"

He had made the best score so far, the other students in their class were mostly civilian. Some minor clan's sons or daughters but nothing very noteworthy. Most of them were only able to do the minimum required in their classes. Although they had a high score in theoretical exams. Yuki had no trouble being at the best student of their year. She wasn't even trying that hard, it was just because she had learned this beforehand.

Most of the time out of boredom she offered her help to the others. She became somehow popular beyond her grade. Older students sometimes came to ask her questions on some jutsus or on theory. Some did it to challenge her and to prove to everyone that she wasn't that bright. Although, they were proven wrong when she answered all of their questions without closing her book.

"Yuki Namikaze"

She got the reputation of being an even more amazing prodigy than Itachi Uchiha. Little did they know that they actually train together which explained partly her skills. She had some basic talent but it was her hard work and dedication to jutsus that explained her proficiency in Ninija arts. She may have extraordinary gifted ninja as parents but she worked hard on her natural talents. In that regard, she wasn't much different from the other kids from ninja clans.

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