Chapter 17 : A Storm Is Coming

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At the hokage office

"Yuki would you mind explaining to me why you suddenly disappear from school?" Questioned the hokage smoking.

He couldn't believe that he was having this discussion with his granddaughter. This is what he expected of his son. Recently, he came back to the village changed. Asuma had never been one to be the happy type. He was more the nonchalant type and he had a rebellious period before he came back to the village.

The Third hokage understood that his son and him don't always agree. Especially when his eldest son died during a mission, his right hand, and his daughter-in-law died. The Hokage decided to take care of his grandson himself, Konohamaru. Yuki liked to take care of the little baby. She said that he looked adorable and she spent hours trying to amuse him. He never heard a baby laughed so hard.

"This is simple, I was bored so I wanted to go take a nap at Shikamaru's place?" She said with a smile and looking innocent.

"Yuki...." He did not need her to start to do this.

"Sarutobi let her explain herself," Pleaded Danzo.

As soon as the Third hokage summoned Yuki via an anbu to his office, Danzo arrived a few seconds before his granddaughter. This man was too much aware of the things happening in the village, it was really worrying.

"So, I made a Kage no Bunshin jutsu, a technique that I found in my father's things..."

She made a demonstration, she made the signs so quickly that Danzo and the Hokage couldn't see her hand's movements. Yuki made a perfect clone beside her. Her clone waved before she made it disappear.

"I am also attending higher class, the teacher let me in or I am using this time to train."

The Third Hokage didn't know what to do with her anymore. He should have seen this coming. Yuki had focused so much on ninja arts and training that he had to know that she would be bored at school. It hadn't been one month since she enrolled at the academy. She had already passed with flying colour the graduating exam. Although, he wasn't sure if he wanted her to grant her the rank of genin and put her in a regular team. He felt uneasy about it. She would be the first student to graduate so early. Even Itachi and Kakashi hadn't graduated this soon and they were during a war.

"Yuki, do you know what you have just done?"

"Hum.... A clone?"

"You've achieved to pass the graduating exam of the Academy..."

"I did?"

"So from now on, you have two choices. Either you graduate the earliest in the history of this village or you remain in the Academy..."

The Hokage didn't have time to finish his sentence than Danzo interrupted him.

"It would be such a waste if you choose to remain there. For the village, you should graduate early and further train yourself." The old man said very seriously glaring at Yuki. It was clear that Danzo would want to recruit this child.

The Hokage failed to understand his old teammate's logic. They've fought to protect the future of the next generation not to send them to do their dirty work. He understood that some sacrifices were necessary but Yuki wasn't part of them, the girl had suffered enough. Also, she needed for the sake of the village to indirectly act as a shield for his brother. It was crucial for them, they needed to protect their only jinchuriki from any potential harm, he was their principal advantage over other hidden villages.

"Remember that this decision is entirely up to you, my dear."

"Yes, jiji..."

"Although, one would benefit more the village and the people that you hold dear," added Danzo as a final attempt to make her choose what he wanted her to choose.

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