Chapter 54 : Being an Uzumaki

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Warring state period, years before, Uzumaki Compound

"Mito, the Senju clan has achieved a peace accord with the Uchiha clan and he is proposing to establish a village with other clans." Explained the Uzumaki patriarch, Asura Uzumaki.

"Yes, it is great news, father." Answered the kunohichi many of their ninjas died in these feud wars with the Uchiha clan.

"To cement our alliance with the Senju, you are to be wed to Hashirama Senju, the current chief of the Senju clan." Said her father with a soft voice.

Mito knew that this day was coming, it was her duty as a Kunoichi and as the eldest daughter of the chief of the Uzumaki.

"Don't forget to never utter a word of the real secret fuinjutsus of our clan." Ordered her father.

He hugged her and placed a seal on her back. It would ensure that she would never give away their main fuinjutsu technique to the Senjus. She could only reveal the basics. She would apply the same seal on her children. It could never fall in the wrong hands.

"I will miss you Mito... All the clan will..." said her father, letting her go.

That was the life of an Uzumaki. She was to be wed, she had to keep secret the fuinjutsus of their clan.


Present days, Turtle moving island, secret temple behind the Fall of Truth

"Yo Naruto...

Mastering your Tailed beast

Not an easy way to beat it

I shall show you!" said Killer Bee, the host of the Eighth tailed beast.

Naruto nodded eagerly. He dreamed Ro master Kyuubi's chakra. It was all powerful but the tailed beast could easily overpower him.

He started by opening his seal. At this very moment, he felt transported to his mindscape. He saw a giant version of Kyuubi running at him. Naruto started fighting with him, but he just knew that he was weaker than the Kyuubi. He had to try because if he didn't, he would never be able to bring back Sasuke and Yuki nee to the village. He had to be also stronger on his own.

As he felt that he wouldn't be able to tame the Kyuubi to get his chakra, he saw a bright light. The sewer space changed to a vast bright land. A red hair woman was standing where Kyuubi was previously.

"THIS FORM WILL NOT FOOL ME KYUUBI!" screamed Naruto. He had enough, this fight was becoming ridiculous. It wasn't because he was using sexy no jutsu that the Kyuubi could possibly believe that using it will make him give up his body to him.

Although against all expectations, he was hit hard on the head. His head was more bruised than when Ino Yamanaka hit him last time because he might have peaked at women in some onsen.

"IS THIS HOW YOU TALK TO YOUR MOTHER, DATTEBANE!" answered the red hair women.

Then Naruto looked at her more carefully, she had the same hair than Yuki oneechan and he even acknowledges common features with him. Naruto could see a seal on her right hand.

"You are my mother...?" inquired Naruto still shocked.

"Yes, my name is Kushina Uzumaki." She stated seriously. She seemed to be kind but she did have the same fiery temper than Tsunade-san, Ino and maybe, Yuki. Kushina Uzumaki, she was currently assessing him. He felt like the first time that he encountered Orochimaru.

It was a similar feeling, but she was the opposite from the sannin, there was still a feeling that he got only from high-ranking ninjas. It commanded respect but she didn't look like she was an active ninja from her civilian clothing.

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