Chapter 61 : Naruto Namikaze (Part I)

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Eleven years Later, Namikaze Household

"NARUTO NAMIKAZE," screamed Kushina in the middle of gathering her bag for her incoming mission as a captain anbu. "You are going to be late!" she added.

Then she heard a loud sound on their wooden floor. As they had Naruto, Minato and her decided that they should move out to make sure that everyone had enough space. They moved to the old Uzumaki compound. It was in equal distance of the Nara compound and the Uchiha compound, which was perfect, they worked hard to make it usable again. Although, she was glad that they did so, it was beautiful.

There were a few houses in this compound, four large houses apart from the main house of the compound. Kushina and Minato assumed that these houses could either be rented or left like that ready to welcome their grandchildren and the rest of their future descendants. They have left them empty and used them as training halls for their children, after all, they needed not to worry about money.

"YES! I am coming mom!" said Naruto almost dressed. He was wearing a green opened jacket with a long sleeve white shirt under it with a fish-net shirt. He had light brown pant with a bandaged right knee and a kunai holster over it. His ninja head band was shining on his forehead.

"Yuki?" she inquired before seeing her daughter hirashined in front of her having their three lunch boxes in her hands.

"Yes, Mommy?" she said. She was dressed in a yellow kimono which stopped at her mid-tight and had black short under it. Her red hair was tied in a low ponytail with over it two with clips.

"Good, we are off." Said Kushina grabbing her lunch box as her daughter hirashined her brother and her to the Uchiha compound.

Kushina smiled, she had some great kids. She could say that she was lucky. She shunshined to the gates of the village.


Uchiha compound

Sasuke Uchiha just finished to eat his breakfast. He saw his father talking with his elder brother. Itachi Uchiha the prodigy of the Uchiha. He would one day get stronger than him and gain the acknowledgement of his father. He swore that he would one day. He wouldn't rest until he had it.

"Ohayo Mikoto-san!" said a gentle but confident voice from the entrance of his house. A red hair was standing there.

"Oh Yuki-chan! Hello to you!" said his mother, very happy. It was always the same when Yuki Namikaze dropped by.

She was the eldest daughter of the Fourth Hokage and the famous Red Death, a prodigy among prodigy even Itachi couldn't compete with her on the base of achievements. She became a genin at five years old, become chunin in the same year and became anbu at the age of seven years old. She had mastered to the perfection the Hirashin of her father and her mother's deadly kenjutsu. She was as much as his brother an ideal to reach someday. But he made no false hopes on that, she was a blinding light which he would never manage to equal but he could at least get nearer to her by defeating his brother.

"Where is my favourite Namikaze?" said his father, losing all his intimidating demeanour and going to welcome the Red hair.

"Hello Fugaku-ojisan, how are you? Not too tired of those endless clan head meetings?" she inquired. This made his father ruffled her hair. He never did that with him.

"Not that much, but from what I heard you will join the next one as the representant of the Uzumaki clan while your mother is away?" he said proudly.

"Yes, we will mess with them a bit." She had a mischievous smile plastered on her face.

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