Chapter 77: From Blue to Red

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Konogakure's foundation, previously, Dawn

"You are asking me what to do if Naruto was to awaken the Sharingan?" Inquired Madara Uchiha facing Yuki.

"Nothing much... The usual?" Carelessly answered her great-grandfather.

"I don't think that you understand the gravity of this, Naruto has almost not Uchiha trait. To the point that it is worrying." Argue Yuki drinking her cup of tea along with dangos, the shop which just opened in the village, her luck.

"I wouldn't say any. Your little brother is more Uchiha than you believe. Your darkness is interesting and powerful but his is so big that I wonder how he got that much inside of him while not awakening his sharingan." Countered Madara.

"Ooh..?" Simply answered Yuki, she couldn't very well disclose the future and the fate of Naruto.

Poor little brother of hers. She wished her to never awaken his sharingan, as the elder, she did believe that it was a miracle for Naruto not to have let in the darkness within him in sooner.


Moon temple

"It is over Toneri, no Otsutsuki or any people will ever threaten again my friends or my family!" darkly said Naruto Uzumaki.

His blond hair was soaked of blood, it was turning brow-black from the dried one. His hands were too full of blood. He had finally lost it. He had gone back on his word to reason people with words over fighting and only fuelling the eternal circle of hate. Then he felt the soft hands of someone on his face.


Hinata immediately went to Naruto's side. She hadn't ignore him or diminish him when they were younger like the rest of the village for being the host of Kyuubi. She wasn't going to leave his side now even if he was about to go back on his words and kill someone.

"You see you are just like me, only rage and revenge. Let's destroy this world which has only taken from us!" said Toneri even wounded didn't seem to care about his own life.

That was all bullshit. This prophecy was a scam, there was no way that Naruto as lost as he was currently could be of a threat to the hyugas. A plot to separate them. IT WILL NOT WORK!

"Naruto-kun, just look at me!" said Hinata fire in her eyes.

She wasn't going to let Naruto be consumed by his darkness and the Uchiha curse! Yuki had healed her for this sole purpose. Hinata grab Naruto's head with her strong arms.

"You are not like this! You have had people by your side which prevented you from going down the path of a normal Uchiha or any bullied or traumatized kid, the Third, Kakashi sensei, Jiraya sama, Tsunade same, Yuki San, Shikamaru, Sai, Ino, and I!!!! Just get back to your senses, this is not you!!!"

Even if she had to destroy the world, Hinata would not let anyone doubt of her boyfriend. Toneri was dead meat. A fire seems to light up like it did during Pain's attack in her.


These words resonated in Naruto. What was he doing? What was he so afraid? Hadn't he proved countless of time that he wasn't like that? He went from standing before his friends to protect them from Gaara's murderous idea to fight Pain, Kaguya and even be willing to sacrifice himself in a battle which didn't concern him between Iwa and Kiri.

"This darkness, you just have to accept it. It is part of you like everyone, you just have to watch it. No one is a saint, Naru-chan" Explained Yuki which his eyes started bleeding again. The backlash of using these eyes was no joke.

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