Chapter 79 : Broken Mask and Danzo's Shadow

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A/N Hello dear readers, this is the second to the last chapters of this fanfiction! 

There is a Boruto fanfiction coming after this but it will take a while to write so I am putting in preview the first chapter on my Ko-fi page ;)

Please do subscribe to my insta too!


Three Years Before, Orochimaru's Hideout, Wind

"Yuki?" Asked the sannin getting inside the devastated area in which corpses were piled in.

Blood had darkened the fighting ground. He looked around for his goddaughter. She was nowhere to be seen. Then he saw a ray of light. She was there sitting on a pile of body. The blood was making a river. There was a time when he really wondered where the softness of her father was or even the kindness of her mother. The Uzumaki katana was dripping of blood, Orochimaru believed that the rumour that Yuki was the loved child of Fugaku not that crazy in these moments.

"Sensei?" answered the Red hair, her hood had long since fallen off, she had sealed the room so only him could get in.

The sannin found his goddaughter more fit to be a missing nin than any of the lost lambs that he brought to do his work. There was no going back to being a normal genin after that or even living normally in Konoha even if she wanted to. Her hands were even more bloodied than him, which was a feat. She had her own goal, but the sannin was starting to believe that she might lose herself in this.


Present time, Konohagakure, accommodation of the Mizukage

"I SWEAR THAT IF YOU MAKE ANOTHER JOKE ABOUT THE FACT THAT I AM STILL UNMARRIED, I AM GONNA KILL YOU AO!" exploded the Mizukage, Mei, which had enough of the clumsy sneaky allusion of her advisor.

"But but..." started the poor Ao trying to find fault into Chojuro but the poor swordsman of the mist was down enough as it was to be friendzoned by Yuki.

"I will have you know that you are not aware of everything!" pouted the kage before the wall of her room exploded.

She prevented a piece of wood from reaching the still depressed Chojuro before breaking it. Ao was suddenly seriously considering the threat. A very strong genjutsu was released and a complex series of exploding seals. Whoever had done this would pay this! There was no way that she was going to miss her date!

"Mizukage, this is foolish renounce if you don't want another civil war!" said someone wearing a green mask with bright pink marks, the signs of the remaining followers of Yagura.

Those damned rats, she believed that she had rooted out every one of them. She thought wrong, she should have listened to the intuition of Yuki. She had recently told her that winds of revolt was blowing over Kiri.

"As if I went down that easily, who do you all think I am?" she declared immediately, starting to make hand gestures breathing lava. The ninjas were prepared, they threw at her two exploding kunai at the same time.

Shoot, she had been had! She tried to kick them but if she did so, it would hit the other exploding seals.... These dumbass was prepared to overthrow her with their life on the line. What a bunch of assholes!

"You have begun playing without us, that is not nice!" sweetly said a well-known voice.

Yuki Uzumaki was here leaning on her famously deadly katana. The Mizukage had come to really become fond of the young konohichi. Although, even if she hadn't known her for a while, she could tell that the red hair was restraining her own personality to let out only her happy side and not her darker side. The one which made her side with the Akatsuki for the sake of protecting her loved ones, especially her brother.

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