Chapter 12 : Red Eyes

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A Few Weeks Later, Nara Estate

Yoshino Nara was doing the supper while thinking of what she would bring on the next annual meeting of the ninja association of mothers and parents. She was presiding it and she needed to think about this well, the numbers of ninjas were decreasing. Since the Second and Third Shinobi World War, the ninjas graduating from the academy became thinner, the examens stayed the same but it seems that the numbers of ninjas lost in the war left small clans without resources.

It only brought a drastic diminution of qualified graduates, and the level of the test was forcibly lowered, Yoshino had fought hard to stop this measure. If they had to change something, it was more the content of the classes rather than the final test in the academy. It focused now on theories more than before, it was sure useful, but it was worth nothing if the kid couldn't apply it rationally on the field. She sighed. Then she saw a shadow pass in front of her but as she blinked, she couldn't see it anymore.

Then, she saw something again but nearer. As she looked around, the two cookies that she had just cooked disappeared. Pissed she was going to get the culprit, but she couldn't see either her lazy son or his now almost best friend, Yuki Namikaze. She had thought that it was great for her Shika to become friends with this little girl. Since the day one, they both were inseparable. She had placed her in the opposite room of Shikamaru's room in their large house, when she came down the next morning both were asleep in her bed.

Yoshino was happy, she imagined that her son had found a good girl and that this question was already settled. Although, the next week proved her wrong, they had merely developed a sister and brother bound. They quickly considered themselves as siblings, Shikamaru didn't let Yuki go far away without him. He even took the time to show her around and describe everything around them since she couldn't see. It was almost as if her son wasn't so lazy anymore, but he still complained with the clan's favourite word Troublesome but not as much.

He took an example in this girl that tried to do as much as possible to help in the house since the day that she could stand on her own without feeling ill. She was a hard-working girl. That same day, she started training again. Shikamaru had taken the habit of watching her do her training silently while trying to wake up since she practised too soon for him. Sometimes, his dad would join as he miraculously wakes up in time for once. They both looked at her before Yoshino came behind them and hit them for staring way too strongly at the girl.

Then, they would all have their breakfast before both kids would go do their things. They would discuss about things that mattered and others would not. In the afternoon, they went to look at clouds before finally getting on the roof and stared at the night sky while exchanging theories about techniques and strategies. This routine went on for three weeks as the girl could finally take her bandage off, she was able to properly get herself accustomed with their house and enjoy the peace of it.

The girl was probably not going to stay past this week. Yoshino enjoyed having another girl, it saddened her to see the red hair go. She was so different from her mother really calm and understanding like her father, but she felt that if someone rubbed her in the wrong way, her fiery Uzumaki personality would show up.

It was disturbing her and comforting her at the same time. Yuki was as bright if not more than her son. Henceforth, it was interesting to see them interact. They tended to start their sentences but never finish them as the other understood which make it impossible to follow their discussion and it was quite cute.

She knew her son would be sad to see her go, but she had the feeling that he would be at the Hokage's house more often than their own house. Their bond would stay firmly in place except if something serious was to happen. She really appreciated the influence of that girl on her son. She was often worried because of his laid-back attitude and lazy personality.

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