Chapter 80 : Cousin and Brother of the Uzumaki and Uchiha....?

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Konohagakure, Orochimaru's house, lab, morning

"Orochimaru, I have some questions for you." Said out loud the Uchiha entering the house of his sensei. There was no one in sight, he didn't like one bit to have to be here.

He still had mixed feelings about the teachings of the sannin. He wasn't sure that he wanted anything to do with Orochimaru after having decided to walk away from his darkness and revenge desire.

"I am in the backyard. I am gathering plants for my next experimentation," answered his teacher the head on a bush of flowers in white yukata and with a black one under. "What brings you to my humble home? Do you like it? You did not come when I first move in."

This kind of talk instead of the usual discussion on training or hearing him discuss experiment with Yuki, he will never get used to it.

"I was busy, but I need your help regarding that." There was no time for civilities, he put on the small coffee table a symbol mixed of the Uzumaki and Uchiha clan intertwined. "What can you tell be about this?"

The sannin suddenly regained the aura that Sasuke was used to. He let down of his gardening tools and immediately came to see the symbol. His eyes were shining upon it.

"Did Yuki see this?" asked Orochimaru seriously eying him.

"No, not yet, I have no idea where she is." Answered carefully the Uchiha fearing getting scolded or worse by the sannin.

Instead, he merely sighed, looking at him. Orochimaru went to the end of his garden, which was a big nest box which was housing a beautiful crow. Yuki's crow from what he could see, the bird immediately flew to land on his shoulder.

"This is the symbol is part of the new cult that recently bloomed as soon as Yuki and Naruto recognized their mix heritage." The sannin went to a cabinet and handed him a scroll. "They have been trying to get my support to fulfil that dream but I have refused to, in retaliation, they decided to break in one of my labs."

"Oh? I thought that it was your dream to possess Uchiha eyes?"

"Not anymore, how many more times do I need to repeat myself, I only strive from now on to be a spectator watching Yuki's changes and doing." Sighed the scanning giving him a smile which almost looked genuine.


"That is very Uchiha of you, my dear student. The sect has vowed to revive the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan, in order to do so, they have started gathering relics of your clans and killing all the culprits of the massacre from what my network told me." Concluded the sannin, Sasuke nodded after Yuki's crow has taken off.

This was worrying. He didn't want his...their clan's name sullied any further.


Uzushiokagure, Noon

"Yuki-sama, I think that we should be good to go." Declared Chiaki Uzumaki showing a plan made based on the previous Uzumaki village and the new materials available.

"Good work!" praised her, the heiress of the last Uzumaki matriarch. They had been blessed to stumble upon the lady. "Oh, oh, would you look at that! We are coming back to Mommy?"

A crow landed on the arm of Yuki Uzumaki, it made some happy noises. The konohichi looked as if she could understand what he was saying. He had a message tied to his leg.

"Some people have been forgetting their place, it seems." She had that cruel smile that made them collectively have goose bumps.

"Yuki-sama! There have been intruders on the site of the village." Alerted Keisuke, her cousin. He had a lighter shade of red hair while hers leaned more on the one of their leader. "They do not look like the usual thief or rogue nins. They are wearing robes and harbouring intertwined Uzumaki-Uchiha signs."

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