Chapter 36

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//Anna's Pov\\

I awoke to the unpleasable smell of beer and mixed alcohol. I wiggled, opening my eyes to see I was lying on Niall's chest. How we got in this position? I have no clue.

I planted my hands on his chest and absentmindedly stretched my limbs. My tired eyes were barely open leaving my other senses heightened. Unfortunately my sense of smell.

Finishing my stretches I locked my fingers together and pulled them above my head, bending my arms and pushing out my chest. Once I finished, my half opened eyes fell on Niall, assuming he would be sleeping, but I was wrong.

Niall was fully awake with a charming smile of his face, his hands rested behind his head as his eyes set on me. I lifted my shoulders indicating a 'what?'

He licked his lips "I could get used to waking up with those boobs every morning" I let out a laugh, rubbing my eyes like a baby.

I looked back at Niall, to see his whole face had change emotion, his eyes where full of thought and wonder and his face looks like he's trying to figure out a plan to save the world.

I internally rolled my eyes, finding it annoying that he always watches me with wonder and thought. I just want to know what his wondering and thinking about.

I leaned down slowly, catching his lips in my own for a few seconds before, regretting it completely. I detached myself quickly, from him making a sour face.

"What?" he asked. "You taste like aged beer that's sat in the son for too long mixed with magically expired vodka, with a pinch of sweaty socks"

Niall burst into laughter after my little statement rage, but I didn't know what the alcohol stench was and is clear to me now was him.

"First" he laughed "I did drink a lot last night and second your face was priceless"

I smacked him in the chest, but he only laughed harder. I smiled at his stupidness and tried to avoid his eyes so he didn't see me. My eyes feel on the clock that read I had 2 hours before class and I need to get a packet of Nurofen Panadol.

I knew after his laughing fit he will complain he has a headache or it will hit him later in the day. I lifted myself off Niall and walked over to the little fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. I chucked it back at him and walked to the table.

I popped 2 out of the sealed caps and handed them to him "Take these and have a shower please, I have to go"

Niall's eyes saddened, which I found so cute "Why do you have to leave?"

"Niall we both have a class in about 2 hours and I still need a shower", he nodded an opened his mouth but I cut him off "No I will not take one here and I need clothes". He shut his mouth defeated and flew back on his bed with a 'plop' sound.

I slipped on my ugg boots and sat up "Can I at least get a good bye kiss?" he pleaded. I shook my head "brush your teeth first and then we will see".

He let out a sigh "Meet me at the café in an hour?"

I nodded "okay"





I walked into my room to see Eve, wet hair wrapped in a towel, separating the clothes in the hamper to small dirty piles "Hey what are you doing here?" I asked, looked at the clock that showed almost 9:20.

She smiled at me, up at me, dropping a white bra in the whites pile "I Just got here about 10 minutes ago, we all have English first, but im leaving a little earlier because I told Liam ill see him at the café"

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