Chapter 63

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After landing back in London, we continued our journey back to campus in one of Niall's plush convertibles that was conveniently parked at the airport.

After arriving at the gates of our large campus, Niall drove through. "Babe, do you mind to call Liam, Audrey or Eve? They should be on campus already"

I nod, pulling out my phone and dialling Eve. I put it on loud speaker because of my true laziness to hold the phone to my ear.

After a couple of rings Eve picked up "You sneaky bitch!" She screeched. I felt Niall halt the car and turn around to face me. I held up my hand signalling him to not speak yet.

"Hello to you too" I say sarcastically "Is there a reason why you must answer in such a tone"

"Ah yeah there is" she says back "You completely left without telling anyone, then when we asked your grandparents they said you went to see a boy to be with him on his birthday. You just left! Like there is this new thing now called calling whenever you need to tell people where you're going" she raged.

I roll my eyes at her obvious angry tone "In my defence I didn't think I need to tell every tom, dick and harry where I'm going and PLUS I sent you a message that I wasn't going to spend the week in Australia and on top of that the decision was made last second so I was too busy trying to get my fucken flights changed, which by the way costed money; just to add on to the stress. So no telling you where I was going was not the first thing on my list. Okay?" I scream back.

"You gotta point" she said more quietly.

"Nah shit" I reply, leaning back into the leather seats. It was silent for a couple of moments before I spoke "My throat hurts"

"Mine too" she laughs "The group is at the café, come by and we'll catch up?" she suggested.

"Kay, bye bitch" I smile. "See ya slut" she says and hangs up.

"That was one of the weirdest conversations I have ever witnessed" Zayn said looking back at me.

I shrug my shoulders "It's a thing we have"

Niall cleared his throat before turning to the front and continuing to drive. "SO café then?" he asked. "Yes please" I say, shoving my phone in my pocket.

"Just leave the suitcases and stuff in here; we'll sort it out later" We nod as a few second later we pull up to the café and Niall parks. He quickly exits the car and grips my hand as we walk in Zayn following behind.

We enter the warm and greatly missed coffee and tea atmosphere and spot our table of wackos in the corner. The Café was surprisingly almost empty and quiet "Anna!" Audrey screeched, filling in the silent void.

I smile and open my arms for her to give me a hug; he nicely waved and greeted the boys, still hanging on to me. The four of us walked to the designated table, greeted by lots of space for everyone to sit, a happy Eve and a tired looking Liam.

I grin and reach across the table giving Eve a tight hug, the I turned to Liam "Oh don't come to close, I'm not feeling well" he coughed. I frown feeling his head; warm. Not good. "It was probably because of weather change, like cold here then you went to hot, then cold again" I suggest. Liam nods taking another sip of tea. I scratch his head, and then made myself comfortable in the chair between Niall and Zayn.

" So how was your week?" I ask. The conversation erupted between the five of us while Niall stayed silent, cuddling into my side and securely holding me. He's been like this ever since that stupid message. I turn to him "You okay?" I whisper.

He nods resting his forehead on mine "Mmmhhhmm" he hums, kissing my nose. "Oh stop with your love sick puppy eyes" said Eve. I smile pecking Niall on the lips once more, before snuggling closer to him.

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