Chapter 64

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// Anna's Pov\\

I woke up next to his limp body holding me tight. I lightly smile and trace my hand over his precious face; from his hairline, to his eyebrows, down the bridge of his nose, around his lips and finally at his jaw.

"Your hands are so soft" he mumbled, catching me off guard. I hum at his words continuing my actions again. He seems better, happier than last night. "We have classes" I remind him.

He groaned pulling me closer into his warm body " let's skip, 'm tired"

"we can't skip. These are the classes for the exams that are coming up in the next 2 months" I say, running my fingers down his biceps.

"Okay, we have the first class together anyway, so at least I have something beautiful to look at" he says eyes still closed and a smile on his lips. "Mr Walt, wants to speak to us" I say again.

"I don't like Mr Walt. He looks at you a way that a teacher shouldn't look at a student" he mumbles angrily. " Remember he tried to act all high and mighty when he saw the bruises on your wrist? He likes you and I don't like that"

I roll my eyes, but instead of starting an argument on disagreeing, I just kissed his lips. "come on, get up, and let's get something to eat before we get to class"

I rolled out of hIs grip and out of bed, a wave of cold hitting me. Chills went through me "shit it's cold"

Niall chuckled "that's why you stay in bed"

"Oh god, I'm gonna have a quick shower, care to join?" I ask, walking towards his bathroom.

I watched as Niall jumped out of bed and quickly made his way to me, pick me up and carried me into the bathroom.

I laugh loudly, holding onto his shoulders.


We walked into the cafe hand in hand an hour later. Niall's baggy sweats covered my legs and his jumper covered my torso. His hand clasped in mine as we walked towards the line, ordered our hot chocolates and muffins and took a seat a small two seater table near the window.

Niall reaches across the table to take my hand in his. This was nice just Niall and I, alone together in public. It reminds me of when we went to Louis' Aunt's Café on the beach. I take a long sip of my hot chocolate taking notice in a message that just popped up on my phone.

Whist reading over the message I notice the silence around us which is very odd between us, we are almost never silent. I look up into Niall's eyes gazing into mine, wondering once more.

"What are you staring at?" I ask lightly ask, putting away my phone. "The best thing in my life" he replied.

I felt my breathe hitch and my cheeks turn pink. "Really?" I ask, absentmindedly. "Of course, you've changed me for the better" he says, gripping my hand tighter.

My smile drops a little "I sort of feel bad about that. You could still be out partying and having fun with your friends, you don't do that a lot anymore and feel like that's my fault-"I was cut off by Niall.

"I don't care about that Anna; in fact I don't think I ever did. I think I just need something to fill a void I had, but now I have you babe. You fill that void" he tells me leaning closer "So I don't care about partying or fake friends, I care about you" he says low but clear.

I smile brighter, speechless about the situation. He smiled sheepishly before moving on "So why does Mr Walt wanna see us?" he asks taking a sip of his warm drink.

I blink my eyes a little bit, feeling a bit queer with the sudden change but I continue and shrug my shoulders "Maybe to tell us how good you have been doing, I mean you have been showing me great marks. There is no way you are going to lose you're going to be kicked off the team" I smile.

"It's all because of you babe" I smile once more. If he contuse with these compliments im sure I'll be a permanent tomato all day.

I spoke again "Speaking of soccer, coach has been pestering me about the finals. It's like a month and a half away isn't it?"

Niall nodded "Yeah, but there are going to be scouts coming down; so extra practice I guess. You coming to the one tonight?" he asks.

I shake my head "No, Audrey wants help with something, so we are going to miss this one"

Niall pouts but regains himself after he looks at his watch "Oh come on babe, we need to get out of here if we want to make it to English, we have like 5 minutes" Niall says, jumping out of his seat. He waits for me to get up and taking a bite of my muffin before grabbing Niall's hand and pulling him out the café and on the route to our classroom

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