Chapter 69

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After lying comfortable on top of Liam's bed with Zayn told to watch me. I let off a few tears. "Oh please don't cry Anna" Zayn begs "I'm not good with people crying" he says.

I sit up and wipe my eyes "I'm a walking mistake" I say. Zayn snorts "No you're not"

I nod my head "Zayn did you see Matts, what if he's dead, what if I get Niall in trouble?"

Zayn shakes his head and takes a seat next to me and wrapped an arm around me "Matt will be fine, okay? As for Niall I'm pretty sure he's gonna be worse than he has been for the past three weeks" he informs me.

I look over at Zayn "what do you mean?" I ask.

"Anna he's been the worst I've ever seen him, he doesn't like to admit it sometimes but he cries at night, he cries over you. He doesn't eat that much anymore, and if he does put something in his mouth its either your favourite tea to drink, or sometimes a spoonful of cookies and cream ice cream. That's all I've seen him eat." He says slowly.

I feel tears come up, 'he's suffering'

"He sings about you too" Zayn continues "Sometimes you hear him in his room, strumming on his guitar, writing down music, lyrics. All for you. He loves you"

I shake my head in denial, feeling tears come up "He lied to me. He fooled me. He pretended to love me for his own selfish need" I cry.

Zayn shook his head "No no Anna you don't get how much regret he had for making that bet. What Matt told you was a lie, Niall was upset and drunk and he didn't know what he was doing. I don't how exactly how Niall feels, but I know he loves you. He used to sit with me in class sometimes and just go on and on and on about what you do for him, what you say, how you act and just how perfect you were from him. He always used to ask on how he should dress or what thousands of presents he should buy. And no joke he's probably fighting with Liam right now just to come and talk to you"

My eyes widen, He used to do that for me? No person who bet to be in a relationship, unless he does love me. I bite back my lip thinking, maybe I was too blinded by pain to see that everything that Niall did wasn't because he was forced but because he wanted to. All those little rants about how much he liked me, all those tender touches he used to give me, all the sweet words he used to say; because it was what he wanted to. To make me happy.

I turn to Zayn who was looking at me with concerned eyes considering I haven't talked in a while. I leaned forward giving Zayn a tight hug "Thank you" I whisper before weakly jumping off the bed. Zayn stood in a flash "Anna, where are you going, you can't walk properly" he said, coming over to help me stand.

"I need to see him" I state "I need to see him and talk to him and solve this whole problem because I want Niall back" I aim.

Zayn gives off a smile before nodding, helping me out the door and up an extra level and down the hall to Niall's room. I stood in front of the door, where I could hear crystal clear yelling.

"Come on Liam let him talk to her" I hear Louis annoyed voice from the door. "No" I hear Liam boom. "And why not?" Niall then yelled.

"Because she's not in the best condition right now Niall and you did that to her. So I think you're the last person she wants to see" Liam screamed out.

I've had enough of this. Instead of knocking like I intended to, I just swung open the door. I watch the scene in front of me; Niall sitting on his bead with his head in his hands. Liam and Louis standing over him with their arms crossed, Liam looking stronger.

They both look over at me in shock. "Anna" Liam warns. Niall's head shoot up and he looks like he's about to run up to hug me but he looked cautious about it. I look over his pleading eyes before I brokenly run up to him, hugging him tightly. I felt Niall give a sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around me. I heard a few footsteps and then a door shut before I looked down at Niall. His head rested just below my breasts and his eyes were closed. I run my hands through his hair, missing the feel of his golden strands.

We stayed silent for a moment before he pulled back to look up at me. He looked like a homeless puppy; tired, sad and confused. "I missed you" he whispered.

I bite my lip "I missed you too"

He smiled before pulling me in again "Missed you so much" he mutters. I feel my legs burn a little, the lack of food and the shock of what's happened here today made me weak. I hold onto Niall for support, not wanting to ruin this first intimate moment we've had since three weeks ago.

"Are you okay?" he asks. I nod "Yeah just a little weak"

Niall quickly scoots over and sits me down on his bed "Are you tired?" he asks. I nod "a bit"

He looks around a bit, unsure, before he looked back at me "Would it be to forward if I ask you to lye down with me?" I ponder for a moment before nodding "I guess that will be okay"

I crawl up the bed and lye my head on the soft and familiar white pillows, taking in the scent of mint and aftershave. Niall soon follows, copying my actions and staring up at the ceiling.

I fiddle my legs and my fingers twitch and I really want Niall to hold me, but I want him to earn it. He can't just think he can do something like this again and get away with it.

Our silence was broken sooner than I expected by Niall "I'm sorry for what I put you through". I turn to him, giving him a blank expression. "I'm sorry I'm an asshole". I felt my heart sink a little, 'how could he think that about himself?'

"I'm sorry I'm an asshole" he continued. Before he could open his mouth again, I raised my finger to silence his lips. I shuffle over to be resting right next to him and I lay my head on his shoulder; gazing up at him. "I'm sure if you continue on with you 'I'm sorry' sentences, I'm going to cry some more"

He breathed in before breathing out a puff of air. "But I hurt you"

I shrug my shoulders "You're not the first, and besides, I'm sure I hurt you as well" I mumble. "I deserved it"

I shake my head "No one deserves pain. Speaking of which, do your knuckles hurt?" I ask. He shakes his head "Nah, there just a bit numb"

I nod understanding "Thank you for that, I didn't know what to do". Niall licked his thin lips "You don' need to thank me, the fucker got what he deserves. Did you get hurt?" Niall quickly asked, looking like he would go down stairs and bash him up again if I said 'yes'.

I shook my head "No, I'm just shocked. It was scary, I didn't know how that would end. I was too weak to push him off"

"Last time I checked you were strong" Niall said with a modest smile. "Yeah but I haven't been eating normally I guess, so I have no energy" I sigh. Niall's smile disappeared as he hesitantly, ran his hand around my waist "You've lost a lot of weight" Niall frowns.

I nod agreeing. "Have you eaten?" he asks immediately. I smile at his concern and nod "Zayn gave me a sandwich whist I was in Liam's room"

"That's not eating" he warns. "It is when that's the most I've had in one serving all week" I fire back. Niall bites his lip "sorry"

"It's okay" I say back, feeling a yawn come out. "Tired?" he asks. I nod, "When I get home, Eve and Audrey are going to flip"

Niall gives off a cough, opening his mouth then shutting it, resembling a fish out of water. "Umm I wa-s, uhhh, sort-t of ho-ping y-you, uhh" he terribly stuttered. I wanted to let off a big grin at his nervous habit, but I kept it neutral. 'Come on ask me'  

He gave off another big breath "Will you Stay?" he asked, "The night, I mean" I continued. "Like me and you in the same bed again. Not doing anything, just cuddling, that is if you want to cuddle, we don't have to cuddle-"

I let out a laugh at his cute rambling, watching his pale cheeks turn pink and his bottom lip disappear into his teeth. He waited for me, it big blue eyes full of hope that I will say 'yes'

I think over it a few more times before smiling "I'd love to"

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