Chapter 67

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// Anna's Pov\\

After about a half hour of me sitting on the floor, crying onto Eve's shoulder; slowly babbling everything Matt told me, I finally got up.

I'm now lying in bed; leaving poor Eve to quietly fend for herself with her homework, while I thought. That's what I needed to do think.

Think about someone who I should I never have met. Should never have touched and should never have kissed. Someone who I thought was close to an angel but was merely a devil. Someone you said they loved me and I sadly took their word. Someone who told me about the future and how they wanted me in theirs, with marriage, a house and kids and I was stupid to believe it. Someone who would tell me how amazing I was to my face but laugh about it behind my back. Someone who did the unthinkable and pretend to love a woman to use them. Someone who told me they would never hurt me. Well that's a lie because her I am; crying into my pillow with a broken heart and hurt feelings. It would have been kinder to kill me. I cry a little harder. 'I wasn't good enough'

Typical I'm never good enough.

I turn to lay on my back, wiping my tears for the 50th time today even though more will appear after that. I felt weak, like I could disintegrate any second now.

I watched as Eve got a phone call, quickly taking her phone and answer it in the kitchen. It's probably Liam confused on why I haven't come back. I sniffle a bit more before I hear a knock on the door; I internally groan not wanting to disturb Eve so I drag out of bed myself. I grab a tissue from my table to wipe my nose before I snail over to the door, catching a glimpse of my crimson read face and water eyes. But I could care less about who's on the other side of that door because frankly I'm not in the mood for people.

I swing open the door to find him; looking fucken perfect obviously. His happy face dropped to worry. 'Wow he's such a good actor' before he could even ask what was wrong I attempted to slam the door in his face, but he unfortunately caught it with his foot, I let out another small sob of defeat. "Baby, what's wrong?" he asked pushing open the door.

In a second the feelings I had of being broken and weak vanished and was replace with pure, hot rage. "You don't fucken deserve to call me baby you fucken prick" I scream. He stepped back from my reaction, putting up his hands to try and comfort me like he's done so many times before. "And don't touch me!" I seethe.

"Anna tell me what's wrong? What did I do?" he pushed. I laugh bitterly "You don't know what you've done, bullshit! Honestly how long are you going to keep up your shit act, you've hurt me enough already!" I scream.

He steps forward once more "How did I hurt you?" he asks. I felt my tear rush quicker "You lied to me! You used me! You told me you loved me, you don't! You lied!" I cry pathetically.

"What are you saying, I do love you!" he protested. I shake my head " Do you love me enough to make a deal on me? Do you love me enough that the whole reason we met was because of a sick bet? Do you love me enough to end up breaking my heart?"

I watched him twitch. I watched emotion after emotion skip through his eyes and body until it rested of what looked like sorrow. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water; trying to think of what to say next.

"I'm sorry" he said. I finally broke. It's true. Now that is confirmed I felt like it was over. I felt used. Violated. "But let me explain" he began stepping closer. I shake my head again, moving back "I don't want to hear it"

"NO you need to hear it" he yelled. I feel silent as he stepped closer, I put my hand as a barrier.

"I did make a bet, that's what you know. But what you didn't know how much I loved you before that I just didn't know that. I even remember when I first saw you. Your long hair was in long pigtails that your friends did for you and you we snuggled up in jeans and a warm jumper and you had that sparkle in your eyes that could light up the world if it ever went black. I knew you were perfect for me then. But do you think I had guts to go up to you, you were out of my league and still are." He reminisced. I look at him with emotionless eyes wanting him to continue you. "That day in the library, you looked so beautiful that I just had to talk to you and well you know the rest. I stumbled over each word trying not to sound like a goof or look ridiculous. I guess my feeling for you showed because all the boys in the house noticed, especially Matt. They told me I was going soft and I a few months ago, that was unheard of. I had built up these walls to protect me from getting hurt again from someone like Britney that I couldn't believe I was starting to love you. The first night you came over to study was when I think we made the bet. I was drunk and high and I was thinking about myself because that's all I knew; to care for myself and to make sure I don't get hurt. But I want you to know that I regrated making it, that morning I work up. I regrated making that bet whenever you would flash me a smile. I regrated it whenever you would tell a joke. I regrated making that bet every time you would put your slippers on the wrong foot and not car. I regrated it whenever who used to bite your lip when you think. I regrated making it whenever you showed me you cared for me. I regrated making it when I found out you're perfect for me. Because I know that I would have to tell you sometime and I couldn't risk losing you. I don't know what that sack of shit has told you, but listen to what I'm telling you; I'm in love with you" he finished. I watched as tears formed in those blue eyes that I love and a few rolled down those cheeks I used to kiss.

I stared at him for a long while, wanting to jump into his arms happily, but that's what got me into this mess; His playful word full of emotion that it just made me weak at the knees. His words used to go straight though my barriers like canons and aim for my heart. Even though at times his sentence weren't perfect, to me they had now flaws.

But not this time. I've just gotten shattered because all those months ago I thought with my heart and not my mind. Now my heart is broken and my mind it set. It's over.

I shake my head again, taking in a deep breath "I can't trust you"

He looked like he broke, his eyes closed in defeat and he ran his hands through his golden hair. "What can I do to convince you?" he begged. I cross my arms over my chest "Nothing Niall. I made up my mind all those months ago and look where we are now. My mind is set. It's over"

He crumpled at that "Y-you can't-t j-just...I need y-you" he stammered. I shake my head one last time "You don't"

I walked past him, to grab the handle of the door that had been left open, waiting for him. He stood for a few moments; looking like he wanted to put up a fight before trudging till he was standing in the door way. Talking his time to let his eyes drop over me until they rested on my right hand. I sign in remembrance and regretfully slipped the ring off my finger.

He shook his head, looking at me with pleading eyes not to take it off. I held it out for him and he just looked at it. I sighed slowly grabbing his left fist and opened it, placing the ring in it before closing it. I felt one of his tears drop on my hand and I breathe in a sob, moving back to the handle.

"Please don't do this, I love you" he whispered once more. I licked my lips "Goodbye Niall"

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