Chapter 44

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// Anna's Pov \\

I can’t believe Niall’s taking me to a fancy restaurant, meaning a dress and lots of money to spend. I made a mental check to bring some money, just because I would like us to go half on the check, even though I know he wouldn’t accept. I don’t care.

But I had bigger things to worry about. What to wear?

I grubbed at the thought and made my way to my wardrobe, skimming through the outfits. After giving up I pulled out my phone to call my last hope. Audrey.

“Hey girl, what’s up?” her cheery sang. “Umm, I need your help” I laugh, dropping clothing items on the bed.

“Sure girl, what ya need?”

I sighed again “Well Niall said he was taking me out somewhere fancy, but I don’t really think-“… “Wait!!!” She cut me off.

“Fancy?! AS in like dress fancy! “ She squealed “Girl I’m. on. The. Way” She proclaimed hanging up.

“Maybe I should have called Eve?” I thought out loud. ‘Too late now’




Moments later, Audrey rushed into the bedroom, dragging Eve along by the wrist, babbling about how happy she was. This is going to be a long 3 hours.


Okay I lied, An hour later I was still arguing over what to wear “Audrey i really think that’s too short!” I yell again, taking my hair out of its towel. She rolled her eyes again and pulled out a royal blue dress before, throwing it back.

“Wait, what’s that one?” I asked. She held it back up; I was stunned it was really pretty navy blue dress. The sequin embellished waist line was positioned higher than where the natural waist is and the teeming thin material fell from there, ruffling at the bottom. Its ruffles gave it a childlike look but still very classy.

Audrey frowned “It’s one of those dresses that can look figure flattering or not very flattering at all” she warned.

“Can I at least try it?” I ask, “Of course babe”.

I grabbed the dress from Eve’s hands and walked into the bathroom, stripping from my robe and stepping in the dress zipping it up.

I turned back to the mirror and frowned ‘It doesn’t look nice’.

It didn’t fit right around my body at all, my waist was too thick, my arms are too fat, my legs are to revealing; showing my chubbiness. I looked awful.

I began to take it off when Audrey yelled from the other side “Babes, you done? Let me see?” She asked. I sighed “It looks awful” I called back.

“Just let us look”.

I walked over to the door and opened it wide enough so they could see. I saw their mouths dropped and felt my skin crawl with embarrassment.

“Anna, you look HOT!” Audrey chanted, clapping her hands. “What?!” I ask in disbelief, they couldn’t be serious.

“Oh my God, did you even look at yourself before you came out, you look sexy” she complimented, pulling me in front of the long mirror beside her bed.

I looked over myself again “I don’t get what you’re talking about. All I see is a bunch of fat” I said, unemotional.

I felt a sharp slap over my exposed shoulder. “Ouch!” I cried. “Then stop lying” Eve warned.

I turned back to them “Guys I’m not going out looking like this, what if I freeze” I clarified, trying to make up excuses.

“Oh, My, God” they both exaggeratedly sighed, running their hands over their faces. “Anna believe me when I say, that you look stunning AND Niall is going to have the hardest time keeping his hands off you tonight” Audrey winked, pulling me in the bathroom, and ruffling up my semi-dry hair.

“But-“, Sadly I was cut off “No buts! You are wearing this and you will feel beautiful in it” Eve told me. I sighed, I wasn’t winning this one.


I waited patiently as they finished my hair, in curls and a small amount of eye liner (Which I just learned is called). But of course it took them ages to do that because every time the fricken pencil went near my eye I flinched.

Audrey also forced me into wearing matching heels and a bracelet to spice it up a little.

I looked at the time on the clock to see I had 10 minutes left to learn how to walk in these god damn shoes, with Eve and Audrey laughing. Even though they were short they were still hard to walk in.

“Can I please wear flats?” I ask for the billionth time. “NO!” They shout. I was about to yell back when I heard a knock at the door.

“Hold that thought and answer the door” Audrey smiled.

I bit my lip and stumbled to the door, opening it to see a very handsome and nervous looking Niall.

His body was stiff, with his hands shrugged into his black jeans, dragging down the plain black top he was wearing; showing his little tuffs of chest hair. He wore pure black vans and a crisp clean, black jacket with double stripes on the shoulders. Finishing off with his original spiked up quiff, a shy smiled and wandering eyes.

He looked at me from head to toe, not bothering to hide it. I felt a sudden burst of discomfort and pulled the door in front of me.

He shook his head “You look amazing” he smiled politely. I blushed as I heard little squeaks coming from behind me and little murmurs ‘Ugh Girls’

“You don’t look to bad yourself” I smiled.

At that second the door was ripped from my hands and swung open and out came Eve with her arms crossed, with Audrey behind her.

“Okay Horan I would like Anna home at 11:01 please” she asked politely. I looked at her in shock before groaning, quickly trying to grab my jacket keys and wallet.

I heard Niall reply with a ‘yes’ and smiled at both my success in finding my stuff and his answer to keep her happy.

I walked back to the door to hear “Good. Just to warn you if she is not home or you hurt her I will be in the car, hunting your ass down you under-“.

“OKAY!!!” I cut her off, coming between a serious Eve and an Annoyed Niall. I slightly pushed at Niall’s chest telling him to walk but he responded “She will be home un-harmed”

I felt warm at his words as I pulled him away “Bye Girls” I called trying to walk down the hall with Niall as fast as possible, hitting the elevator button and climbing in.

“11:01!!!” she screamed. “Shut up!”

The elevator doors closed and I looked at Niall who was staring at me. It took us a few second before we burst out laughing in unison.

“OMG” I cried. “Hunting your ass down” he mocked, raising his finger to point it at me. I laughed harder and leaned on Niall for support, as the elevator doors opened up and we walked to the entrance of the dorm room, I felt a chill.

I shivered slightly and felt my jacket being taken out of my hands and put around my shoulders. I smiled at Niall as a thank you and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

“You smell really nice” I compliment as we walked towards his car. He smiled “I hoped you would like it, family sent it over, its called ‘One Million”, I smiled at his mention of Ireland; he doesn’t bring it or his family up much.

“Well, I love it” I smile as he opened the car door for me and jogged to the other side to let himself in. He turned on the engine and next the heat; warming me up more.

“Ready?” he asked. I nodded ready for the night ahead.

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