Good idea

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Today, you are super excited, you and your best friends : Leïa, Jade and Maya have to go on a cruise. You have been planning this vacation for a long time.
In the early afternoon, you all meet at Leïa's house. Her mom has kindly offered to drive you there. So you get into her car and leave for the quays.

A few minutes later, you arrive. Leïa's mom drops you off, you thank her and then you take your suitcases and go to the boat to board.
Leïa : « I'm so excited girls !! »
You : « omg same ! »
Maya : « well, it's this way » smiling.
Jade : « okay let's go ! » all excited.

You get on the boat, a man welcomes you and shows you your room.
You : « o.m.g »
Maya : « it's.. insane »
Man : « I'll let you get settled. All meals : breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served in the cafeteria on the ground floor. Feel free to go to the reception for more information. Have a nice stay » 🙂
Jade : « alright, thank you » smiling.
He leaves.
Leïa : « omg girls, we'll have so much fun here ! » all excited.
Jade : « yeaaahh »
Leïa : « don't you want to go for a walk, to see the boat a bit ? »
You : « oh yes, so we can see what we can do »
You leave your suitcases in the room and go for a walk.

You see a lot of swimming pools, there are casinos, billiard rooms, gyms, cinemas, you can also go bowling. In short, you can see that there are many cool activities to do.
As you walk around the boat, Leïa notices a group of rather cute boys.

Leïa : « o.m.g » with big eyes and a slightly open mouth.
Maya : « please stop drooling » raising her eyes, smiling a bit.
Jade : « what's going on ? » confused.
Leïa : « look ! » showing them discreetly.
Jade : « ooh, yeah, I admit they're not bad » 😌
Leïa : « not bad ?? Come on girl, they're fucking hot »
You : « shht Leïa, keep it down » laughing a bit.
Maya : « and then, you're in a relationship I remind you » to Jade, raising her eyes a little.
Jade : « if you say so.. »
Maya : « what do you mean ? »
Jade : « well, idk... there's not much going on anymore, we're getting further and further away.. »
Maya : « oh.. but that's no excuse to go see other guys instead of trying to work things out »
Jade : « but I never said I was going to get involved with another guy. And then, it's my problem anyway. » a bit tense.
You : « eh chill, don't yell at each other, girls » trying to calm them down.
Maya : « yeah sorry, it's none of my business »
Jade : « it's okay.. »
Leïa : « she would be right to want to get to know them tho » 😏
You raise your eyes, smiling a little.
Jade : « Leïa.. » smiling a bit.
She shrugs, laughing a bit.
You : « okay well, shall we continue ? »
Maya : « yup, let's go »

You continue to visit the boat, then decide to return to your room to settle in. There are two double beds. You and Leïa decide to share one together because you are a little closer.
You sit on your bed and look at the week's schedule. They suggest activities, and organize parties. You can see that there is one tonight. You tell the girls and they are 100% down.
Then it is time for dinner. You go down to the cafeteria and eat. But during the meal, Leïa notices that the guys from this afternoon are there, eating at a table in the distance.

Leïa : « damn, they're here ! »
You : « what ? » confused.
Leïa : « the boys, they're here » looking at them.
Maya : « here we go again »
Leïa : « girls, they're in the same part of the boat as us, this GIANT boat, k ? It's necessarily a sign !- omg » looking away, embarrassed.
Jade : « what ? Did they see you ? » laughing a bit.
Leïa : « one of them looked at me » 🤡
Jade : « omg it's a sign ! » 🤭 making fun of her.
Leïa : « shut up » 💀
You : « it may be a sign, but if you never go talk to them because you're too scared it will never work, you know that, right ? » laughing a bit.
Leïa : « haha, you're funny y/n » 🤡

After that, you finish eating and go back to your room to change for the party.
You dress like that :

Then you guys go down to the ground floor

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Then you guys go down to the ground floor. The party has already started, there are a lot of people there.

You go sit at a table.
Jade : « there are so many people »
Maya : « yeah, it's cool »
You : « well, who's coming to dance with me ? »
Leïa : « I'm coming sis » 😌
You : « are you coming, girls ? » looking at Maya and Jade.
Jade : « no thank you, I can't dance » 🤡
Maya : « oh no, come on, we're not gonna leave you alone.. »
Jade : « no dw, go ahead, I'm gonna go get us some drinks in the meantime »
Maya : « okay, as you want.. well, let's go girls »

So you three go dance. Jade stays at the table for a few minutes. She sent a message to her boyfriend Zack earlier in the day but he did not reply. This annoys her, so she decides to go to the bar and get you drinks so she does not get more upset.

She arrives at the bar and orders. In the meantime, she turns around and looks at you from afar. Then, in the surroundings, she sees the boys from this afternoon. She laughs a bit, thinking about Leïa.
Suddenly, she meets the eyes of one of them, so she looks away and turns around, a little embarrassed. Her order is ready, so she takes the drinks but when she turns around, a guy stops her.

Guy : « hey » smirking a bit.
Jade : « hi.. » embarrassed.
Guy : « sorry to come to you like this but.. is it me or were you looking at me ? » smiling a bit.
Jade : « oh, well.. maybe »
Jade : « ...but if you saw me looking at you, you were looking at me too, right ? » 😌
Guy : « okay, point for you. But can I ask why you were looking at me then ? » smiling a bit.
Jade : « just like that »
Guy : « oh, okay »
Jade : « ...actually, we saw you this afternoon with my friends when we were visiting the boat. And, one of them would like to get to know you ig »
Guy : « oh well, that's a good idea. We could all get to know each other, ...because I still don't know your name » 😌
Jade : « you didn't tell me yours either »
He smiles a bit, looking away.
Guy : « my name is Jaden »
Jade : « Jade, nice to meet you »
Jaden : « beautiful name »
Jade : « yeah you saw that » smiling a bit.
He giggles a bit.
Jaden : « well, do you want me to help you ? »
Jade : « yeah, why not »

He helps her with your drinks and they bring them back to your table.
You see her in the distance, and wonder who she is with. You tell the girls and you guys decide to come back.

You : « hey ?.. »
Jaden : « oh hey » smiling.
Jade : « girls, um.. this is Jaden, and Jaden, these are my best friends : y/n, Maya and Leïa »
Maya : « nice to meet you »
Jaden : « yeah me too »
Leïa : « but- » recognizing him.
Jade : « yeah » smiling a bit.

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