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Amber was on edge. Especially now Helen knew about her and Simon. She knew it would only be a matter of time before Helen told everyone. And
Amber didn't want that. She didn't want to be the reason everything went to crap for her and Simon.

When she woke that morning, she saw Tom walking into the room. "Come on lazy. Up you get," he said as he opened the curtains.

Amber groaned. "I don't feel too good," she mumbled.

"Tough. Come on. Up you get."

Amber sighed. She didn't want to go to school and she didn't want to see Helen. Tom smiled. "Come on. I'll make you a bacon sarnie."


Amber arrived at school. She saw Simon and walked over to him. "What are we going to do? Your ex knows about us. She knows and she could tell Aimee. She could tell anyone."

Simon sighed. "I'll sort this. She won't tell anyone. I promise you," he told her.

Amber nodded. "I just don't want to hurt anyone. Aimee doesn't need this. She's just had a preemie. And my dad... he will go ape at us. I just... I don't know," she mumbled.

Simon took her to one side. He smiled. "She really wont say anything. I promise you. I really do."

"Okay. Look I should go. I have to deal with an essay. And I don't want to," she mumbled.

Simon laughed. "Go on. Aimee will be in later on. She's talking to Mrs Mulgrew about coming back to school in a few weeks. She's getting bored sitting at home."

"How's the baby?"

"She's doing good."

Amber was sitting in the common room. She looked up as Helen walked in. "Well. If it isn't the little home wrecker. How's my ex? Still as crap in bed as I remember?" She spat.

"What do you want?"

"I want to know why my husband has decided to sleep with a silly little girl when he has me," Helen said.

Amber rolled her eyes. She smirked. "If he wanted to, then he would still be with you. But he doesn't want you. So back off."

"And how would my beautiful Aimee feel about the fact you've been screwing her father?"

Amber scoffed. She looked at her. "Aimee knew. She's okay with it."

"But your father doesn't know it started up again does he? And neither does mummy. So I suggest you stop sleeping with him," she said. She smirked. "I want you to help me get him back. Or I blow this dirty little affair out the water."

Amber watched as Helen walked off. She wasn't going to let a jealous ex ruin what she had with Simon.

Amber grinned as Aimee walked towards her. She hugged her. "You look hot. How's my little goddaughter?"

"She's okay. They're going to try her off the ventilator tomorrow. To see if she can breath on her own," Aimee said. She grinned. "But I'm here to see about coming back to school. Have you seen the father of my daughter?"

Amber shook her head. "Not at all. I've been working on my essays. I haven't really seen anyone," she told her.

"Good. Means I won't see him."

Amber walked out to her dad's car. She saw Helen standing there with a smirk on her face. Amber didn't trust her at all. But could she prove that Helen was blackmailing her without dropping her relationship with Simon in it?

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