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Tom sighed as he drove along the road. He was angry, he was angry at amber. He knew that she was struggling since she lost Freya but he couldn't believe that she could be so stupid and reckless to take simons car. He knew she couldn't drive and more than likely could of ended up killing herself and Aimee in the process. Tom sighed to himself not knowing where he was going. He had no idea what was going on with amber or where she could be. He frowned as he saw tire marks on the road that lead off of a cliff. He frowned to himself As he parked the car up before he stood from it and sighed. He saw a car that had crashed into the river and knew, he could feel it on his blood. He knew it was amber and Aimee and knew he needed to be there. He needed to help. He grabbed his phone and rang emergency services before he got to his car and drove down to the bottom of the cliff.

Tom got to the river and frowned as he saw how bad the crash was. He took of his coat and his watch and left his phone and keys on the side before he jumped into the river. Tom knew he needed to safe her, amber was still his little girl and he had to safe her. He had to safe her from herself. Tom saw Aimee and amber in the car, they were both passed out. He tried ambers side of the car and groaned as he realised that it was locked. He swam over to Aimee's side of the car and tried it and sighed relieved to see it was open. He undid her seat belt and lead Aimee our of the water and sighed as he placed her on the side of the river before he went back in for amber. He got into the passenger side and managed to get her out and back to dry land. He looked to see how blue she was and paled hoping he had got to her in time.


Tom stood in the hospital passing as Simon and izzie walked on. Simon walked off to find a doctor to talk about Aimee. Izzie walked over to Tom and frowned "what happened" she asked as he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "She stole simons car and almost drowned, the doctors are doing tests on her" he said as izzie looked to him and frowned "how did this happen? She's out of control and you need to be more strict on her" izzie said as Tom looked to her and frowned "don't, I have been here for her unlike you, you walked out on her so if anyone is to blame its you" tom spat as she walked down the hall.


Later that day, tom and izzie sat in the waiting room as the doctor walked in. He looked to them and sighed "how is she?" Tom asked as three doctor looked to him and sighed "there's been complications, amber has inhaled a lot of water and there's a lot of fluid on her lungs and we're going to have to operate" the doctor said as Tom and izzie held a look before he hugged her and smiled "she's going to be okay" tom said as izzie nodded but was she going to be okay?

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