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Tom looked to Amber. He was waiting for an answer. And she was taking her time giving it. "Amber. I'm not messing around. I want an answer from you. Are you having an affair with him? Yes or no?" He asked.

Amber blinked. She didn't know what to say. "Dad-."

"You are!" He yelled.

Amber flinched. She hated it when her dad yelled. She knew he was angry. She could tell he was angry. "I'm sorry."

Tom couldn't believe it. His daughter had been sleeping with her teacher. He was angry. But he didn't know who he was more angry at. Amber or Simon.


Tom turned and stormed out the room. Amber went after him. "Dad. Please don't do anything!" She called as she ran after him.

But it was too late. Her dad had disappeared.

Amber found Aimee. She ran over to her. "Where's your dad?" She asked.

Aimee turned to her. She saw the tears in her eyes. "What's happened? And he's not here. He's been called to a meeting with the LEA. Max has gone too. So I don't know when they'll be back. What's happened?"

Amber was sobbing. She looked to her. "My dad. He knows about me and him. He's angry and I'm scared of what he'll do," she sobbed.

Aimee groaned as she looked to her. She sighed. "It will be okay. I know it will. Your dad won't risk doing anything while you're here. Trust me. It will be fine."

Amber wasn't convinced. She knew her dad. And she knew he had a temper. It was a temper she didn't want to deal with.

Tom walked around the school. He was looking for Simon. "Maggie. Have you seen Simon?" He asked.

Maggie shook her head. "No. Sorry love. Is everything okay?"

"He's been having an affair with my daughter. My school child daughter."

Maddie's eyes widened. She looked to him in shock. "You're joking?" She asked.

"I wish I was. Amber all but confirmed it," Tom said as he looked to her. "Don't say anything. I don't want to embarrass Amber."

Maggie sighed and nodded. "I won't say a thing. Promise."

"Thanks. If you see Simon, let me know. I need to talk to him," Tom said as he turned and walked off.

Amber saw Simon arriving back. She ran outside to him. "My dad knows. He knows about us. You need to go home for the day."

"Who told him?" Simon asked as he saw Max walking off.

"I-I don't know. But he's mad as hell. He's looking for you. So please, get out of here," Amber said.

Simon sighed and nodded. He knew it was inevitable it would happen. That Tom would find out about them. But he didn't think it would be so soon. "It will be okay. I promise you."

Amber was sitting in the common room with Aimee. The door opened and Tom walked in. "Amber. You're not to see him again. If I find out you've been near him, I will kick you out. And I will kill him," he said.

Amber looked to the floor in guilt. But were things going to get back how it used to be? Or has Amber lost the relationship with her own father?

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