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Amber sighed to herself as she stood in front of the mirror. She examined her small bump that was starting to form. Amber smiled slighty. She hadnt spoken to Simom since she told him that she was pregnant. He had been avoiding her for the last three weeks that Amber had tried to contact him. She pulled her hair into a bun and sighed. The only people that knew that Amber was pregnant was Tom and Aimee. Aimee knew that her dad was responsilbe, that he was the one that had gotten her best friend pregnant and wouldnt step up which made Aimee Made. Amber sighed to her as she walked down to breakfast "your mum called" tom said as Amber froze and looked to him "did you tell her?" she asked as tom smiled and nodded "dad.." "shes your mum, she has a right to know. She wants to talk to you" "it wasnt up to you, to tell her. Im the one that is prengant so i should of been the one that told her" Amber said as Tom sighed "but you wouldnt tell her" "she left me, to and look after chlo and her baby. I needed her" Amber said as Tom smiled to her. He walekd over to her and hugged her "it will be okay, i promise" Tom said as she sighed to herself.


Amber got to school and saw Simon he looked ot her and sighed "come here" he said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her to his office. She looked to him and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked to him "im not ready to be a father, so we eed to get rid of this problem" Simn said as Amber frowned. "no, you are already a father, you know Aimee. My best friend and i am not getting rid of it. This is a abby and its my body i will decide what to do" Amber said as he looked to her and sighed "if sue finds out then..." "then its your fault isnt it, your the one that cheated not me, maybe you should of used a condom. i didnt force you into this, do you really think i wanted to fall pregnant as a teenager but here i am" Amber said as she walekd out of the office as she heard a bang, the sound of what sounded like gunshots. She paled slighlty as she seen tom who walekd over to her.

"come on, we need to get you out of here" he said as she nodded. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. Protecting his only daughter and hs unborn grandchild as they walekd down the hall. The sound of a gun shot and Amber screamed lighlty and looked to tm who went pale "dad?" she said as he fell to the floor. She paled as she saw that he had been shot "no, dad...no" she said as she bent down besides him. She looked to him with tears in her eyes as he took her hand "dont leave me, i need you daddy" she said as he smiled to her "i love you, my little girl" Tom said as a tears rolled down her face. She couldnt bare it, she needed her dad more than anything. Maz walekd down the hall with Aimee and frowned as they saw tom and Amber "oh my god" Aimee said as she ran over to her best friend and pulled herto her feet as paramedics came into the school and took tom away and into an ambulance.


Amber sat in the waiting room of the hopsital with Aimee as Tom was rshed off to hosptial. Aimee handed her a hot chocolate and smiled to her "drink it, your freezing and you ned it" Aimee said as Amber looked to her and smiled. She looked down to the dry blood on her hands, toms blood and started to cry "what if i loose him?" Amber asked as Aimee pulled her into a hug "you wont" "you dotn know that, hes all i have, your dad wants nothing to do with my baby, our baby and im scared and terrifed. My mum left to help my sister raise baby izzie and hes all i have. What happened if i loose him?" Amber sobbed as Aimee held her close. Aimee wanted to be there as much as she could for her best friend, even if she didnt know how to. "Amber?" A voice called as Amber looked up and frowned as she saw her mum "mum?" "hi Amber" Izzie said as she walekd over and hugged her daughter close.

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