Chapter 1

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*Beep beep beep*

Ugh! Hearing my alarm only reminds me of two things. One, it's Friday, and two, I still have a headache which is only getting worse with the noise.

I knew I was going to have a headache, since my father didn't go easy on me last night. I was a minute late getting home from work and didn't have any food for him when I did show up late.

Now I had to get up for school and didn't get any of my homework done since I passed out after dad's 'discipline' on me.

I look over at the clock and turn the alarm off and see that I overslept by 15 minutes, as I read 6:15am. I usually try to get out of bed before 6am, but no later than 6am so I can get to school before everyone.

I quickly grabbed my only clean clothes. Which reminds me, I need to somehow clean some laundry. The only thing I had that was somewhat clean, was my raggedy old plaid mini skirt, thankfully it's spring and not so cold, and my dingy white V-neck t-shirt. I wasn't keen on the shirt since last night's punishments wouldn't go unnoticed, but I still had my hoodie that was still clean.

I hopped out of the shower and glanced at the mirror, and I was right, I had noticeable marks around my neck and collarbone, and slight discoloration around my temple, to the left of my eye. Thankfully the one on my face was light enough for me to use coverup on, and I just might be able to get away with my hoodie covering the ones around my neck.

It was painful sliding on my shirt and hoodie, but once on, I grabbed my backpack and headed out of my room.

Dad was still passed out on his favorite recliner surrounded by partially emptied beer cans and cigarette butts. It looks like he did eventually find some food to eat, as there was a plate laying with crumbs on it, on the side table next to him.

I quietly slid out the front door in hopes I wouldn't wake him, and headed down the long dirt road to school.

I didn't have a car, even though I was 16 and had my license, but I was secretly saving for one. I was also hoping to save money for when I do get a car, I can move out and leave this place as well. Even though I lived in the middle of nowhere, I was grateful the school wasn't that far from home.

I made it to school by 7:35am, and first period didn't start until 8:15am, which means no one would show up until at least 8am. I know they start preparing the morning breakfasts in the cafeteria around 7:15am, so I will sometimes go in to help in hopes I can get something to eat too. Patti, the head cook, has always been so kind to me and knows I don't have much in the way of money so I offered my services, which she always says it's not necessary, but I feel better knowing I am not getting handouts, and in return, she gives me breakfast.

"Good morning Patti."

"Oh, hello Treya. You're coming in a little late this morning, did you sleep okay last night?" Patti seemed a little worried. I think she has some kind of idea what I deal with at night, but she knows I don't display any sadness, so I think she assumes she shouldn't ask.

"Actually, I think I slept really good, which is why I overslept." I didn't want her to study my face for any lies, mainly because I didn't want her to see the bruising near my eye. So I quickly looked away when I answered and busied myself with trays of breakfast sandwiches.

"Okay dear. I would hate to think you didn't sleep well and decided to come help this old lady, when you could be catching up on some Zs." By her making this statement tells me she accepted my answer and wasn't going to push it.

After popping the trays into the oven, I snatched some freshly baked croissants and sat down on the bench to see if I could look over some of my homework and not be so unprepared for class. "It's really not a problem coming and helping, it gives me good reasons to steal some freshly baked goods and catch up on homework."

Patti shook her head and smiled at that response and turned away. She knows I love baked goods, and would probably only eat that if I could. It's not like I have to worry about my weight anyways. I'm lucky I at least get one meal a day, so there is barely any meat on my body. I'm not the greatest looking, compared to the popular girls here, I probably rank at a 5. I'm 5 feet 4 inches, weigh probably 110lbs, on a good day, and surprisingly that's all because of my boobs and ass. I'm only a B cup, but with my thin figure, it almost makes my boobs look like a C cup.

I have a natural golden tan, that I assume comes from my mom, since my dad looks like he has never seen the outside world with his pale skin. My mom left when I was 4, so I don't really remember what she looks like and my dad burned all the pictures there ever was of her. I have dark brown, almost black hair that hits my hips, and sky blue eyes. Some say that my eye color with my hair and skin tone are beautiful. The guys at my school wouldn't notice because they see glasses and automatically think 'Nerd' and don't pay me any attention.

I like that I fly under the radar, because the last thing I need is the torment at home and then at school too. The most attention I receive is when Jessica and her minions roam the hall and I don't notice her walking my direction and don't move in time. Or, I happen to be standing too close to Jason, the star jock of the school and Jessica's mission in life, and she pushes me to be close to him.

Hey, what's high school without the sexy jock, the bitchy school slut, and the nerds? Oh yeah, let's not forget the school bully, X. This is short for Xavier, also known as Jason's older brother. He is definitely the reason I play invisible to the school world.

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