Chapter 5

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--Xavier's POV--

After school, Dom and I headed to this diner down the street to grab food and meet with this guy who helps us get the liquor we need for the party. I tend to make money off it too. I charge $1 on the dollar for alcohol, and the guy I go through charges 50 cents on the dollar. So if the alcohol costs $10, I charge $20, and give the guy $15. We both end with $5 in our pockets. In the end, we both make a profit.

We sat down in the back corner of the diner and started skimming through the menu. I heard the door open in the front and looked up hoping to see our guy. Instead I was met with smooth, golden colored legs in a mini skirt that has seen better days. A baggy maroon sweatshirt that did nothing to help with her figure and masked sky blue eyes, walking towards us.

Treya hadn't seen us, as she was looking at the counter walking past us. She went through the employee double doors, into the back. "I wouldn't mind fucking that, just to say I tried freak meat!" I glowered at Dom when I heard him say that. I don't know why, but hearing him say that about Treya pissed me off.

"Shut the fuck up!" Dom looked at me with a menacing look.

"My bad bro, did you want to hit that first? I don't mind waiting. You can sample her and tell me how it was."

Before I could tear him a new one, she appeared at our table. Not looking at us, she asked, "What can I get you guys?" She looked up then. She seemed nervous? Scared? When she saw us. She was biting her bottom lip while glancing between Dom and me.

When she stopped on me, I stared at her, giving her this playful smirk. I knew she was thinking about earlier this morning. I leaned in a little and said "I don't know, what seems to 'taste' the best here." She knew what I was getting at.

I could see her swallow slowly and try to think of words to reply to me. "The..uh..wein..uh..sausage dogs are good. Or there is the big, I mean normal size, hamburgers too."

She was flustered and I could see a shiver run down her. It turned me on, and instantly my dick jumped against my jeans. Dom looked at me like I was crazy.

"Dude, are you going to get anything? Or are you going to sit there eye fucking her?" Treya looked away from me and said she would be back in a minute. I could see she was uncomfortable. "You definitely need to fuck that. I think she wanted you, X."

Dom was right, I basically was eye fucking her. I couldn't help it. She may have dressed differently than most of the girls I would let get near me, but I could see the body she was working with. She had this low cut v-neck shirt on, that was thin and I could see the fullness of her tits on her small frame. Her hair hung down over them, like she was using it as a curtain. It looked like she had marks on her neck. Hickies?

When she walked away, I got a great view of that ass that was begging to be squeezed. I could just imagine sliding my di...the door opened again, and our guy walked in.

He sat down in our booth right as an older woman came to our table to take our order. Her name tag read, Cindy. I overheard Dom mumble, "I guess we lost our eye candy." I kept looking around, but couldn't see Treya anywhere.

Dom and I ended up ordering drinks to go and left after we made our exchange with the guy. Never saw Treya the last 20 minutes we were there.

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