Chapter 37

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"Run every red light of you have to! We need to hurry! How are you feeling?" Surprisingly, as much as I have to prepare for a watermelon coming out of a grape hole, and should be freaking out, I feel numb. Maybe it's the blood loss or the fact my body is still a little shocked over the idea of being seconds away from being killed, but scared is not one of my feelings.

"Ummm.... The baby is coming. So happy?" I tried to push a smile out, but based on how Xavier was looking at me, that's not at all what I was displaying. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Something is wrong!" I was slammed with a pain more in my lower back than anything, almost crippling. The fear and pain were evident on Xavier's face as he tries to stay strong for me and while he's around his men to show him he's still the leader.

"We'll be there soon. I promise." He turned his view over his shoulder to the driver. "HOW MUCH LONGER?" The anger that was pouring out of him, shows that he seemed upset over his men as if it were their fault we were so far from the hospital in the middle of nowhere.

"About ten minutes, boss. Maybe sooner if I don't fall behind any slow drivers." Answered the passenger, who I have never met. "Your father is also not far behind and will be joining us there." His father? His father was in another country. Before I could fathom the idea of meeting his father, I was slammed with another stabbing pain.

"Something doesn't feel right." I quickly pant out, trying to calm my nerves and pain. Xavier is holding my hand, trying to secure comfort within me, but with no success. It also doesn't help that every time he looks near my vagina, distress washes over him. Since I can't see what's going on, I am relying on his expressions, and they are not comforting one bit. "What do you see?"

"It's nothing. I just keep thinking that each time your hit with a pain the baby is coming." With the mention of pain, another wave hits me harder, with a feeling of wanting to push.

"I need to push!" I tried to start to lift myself in the back seat so I can obtain some pressure onto my belly to help. Unfortunately, the resistance I am receiving from Xavier, who is making sure I do not move, has me resting my head back against the door panel. I look up to Xavier and am met with bulging, panicked eyes. His face has drained of any color, almost of looking like a ghost.

He was about to say something but was interrupted. Mr. Marizio, we're here." Relief couldn't come faster to his expression, as I felt he was seconds from killing over. The driver stops abruptly. The car not completely in park before all doors are being swung open. A male nurse starts climbing into the of the SUV with Xavier and me.

"Hi miss, I'm Cory. I see you're ready for this baby to come out. I'm going to ask your..." I could see the question flashing through his eyes as he looked between the bother of us and determining our ages. Wondering if he is going to respond with 'husband' or 'boyfriend'. Unfortunately, I wouldn't even be able to help him with that answer, since I never felt like we established that status quo. "Partner to slide you forward. Once your bottom is just past the seat, hanging off, I am going to guide your body into the wheelchair I have just here, waiting. So, you have any need to push or feel a contraction is coming? We don't want to do this in the middle of one of those feelings, or you could end up falling more than being gently guided."

I could feel Xavier tense up when Cory talked about guiding my body and possibly dropping me. "I just had a big one, and I do feel like pushing, but it's not strong." I could see the wheels turning on Cory's face, thinking on how he wants to execute this plan of action, with minimal strain on me.

"How long was the last contraction?"

"Not even 3 minutes before you showed up."

"How far apart?"

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