Chapter 21

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--Xavier's POV--

I woke up and started to roll over, realizing I was not alone. I had forgotten Treya fell asleep watching a movie she had put on in my room while I was texting Dom about some shipments that came in that he needed to overlook. She was curled up against my side, with her hair splayed over her face. I went to move some of her hair out of her face, but she started to stir a little. I decided to just slide of the bed and check out last night's damage downstairs. When I moved the covers back to get out the bed, my hand grazed against smooth flesh that created a warm spark with contact. I looked over and at some point Treya took off her sweats. The shirt she was wearing was draped just barely over her plump ass. My cock instantly started pitching a tent in my own sweats.

I scrubbed my hands down my face and started to shake off the thought her naked straddled on my hard dick, slowly and agonizingly gliding her tight, wet pus... Stop! Fuck! I need to control myself. Walking into the bathroom, I turned on the cold water in the sink, scooped the water in my hands and splashed it all over my face. I dried off my face, grabbed my phone off my side table, and walked out my room. I walked right into Jessica. Of all people, it had to be her. I shouldn't even be surprised. My brother always strings her along and keeping her for the end of the night.

Everyone knows she only sticks around so she can get close to me. This is why she is probably lingering around my bedroom door. "Walk of shame? It's 11:30 in the morning, I think your running late, if you're trying to sneak out before anyone sees you." She immediately displays a scowl on her face at me, narrowing her eyes. She was about to say something when we both heard the little sleepy whimpering sound come from my room, since I hadn't shut my door yet. Jessica leaned over slightly, looking past me and her eyes widened in shock when she noticed who was in my bed.

"Looks like I won't be the only one doing the 'walk of shame' here. In fact, I don't mind waiting for freak girl to get ready and maybe we can walk together. Would you like that?" She reached up and started to slide her finger down the side of my cheek, slowly licking her lips as she stared at mine. I swatted her hand away from my face, and she instantly frowned at my action.

"Don't you worry your pretty little spoiled ass, about my house guest." I made sure to emphasize that last word, so she would know Treya was welcomed here, and she's not. She grimaced at my use of words for Treya, and that earned her a sly smirk from me. I shut my door, and brushed past Jessica, leaving her gaping at the spot I once stood at. "Oh, Jessica?" She turned to glare at me. "Her name is Treya. Try to remember that, since you're probably going to start seeing more of her if you come to these parties regularly." I started to walk away down the stairs again and remembered something. "Jessica? Get the fuck out of my house!"

As I turned on my heels and continued down the stairs, I heard a gasp of shock leave Jessica's mouth. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I took in the scenery in front of me. There were half naked women and men sprawled out all over the foyer, living room, hallway, and even in the kitchen floors. I counted 27 bodies displayed everywhere. Trash, food, plastic cups, and beer and liquor bottles littered everywhere from the backyard, through the house, and onto the front yard. Speaking of the front yard, there was even bodies out there too. Some punks apparently hit our house hard with TP. That's going to be fun to clean up.

Shaking my head over the disaster that is my home, I walked into the kitchen and tried clearing some counter space. When I opened the refrigerator, I heard a glass bottle clink on the floor at the kitchen entrance and I looked over the fridge door to see Treya looking all over the place with wide eyes. I cleared my throat, and she quickly whipped her head in my direction. "Oh, you scared me. Is this what your house looks like every weekend?" I nodded and mumbled a 'yep' while returning my attention to the fridge again. "So, where would you like me to start?"

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