Chapter 9

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Oh my gawd! Is this why girls are always talking about when a guy goes down on them. I'm always listening to the girls in the locker rooms complaining how their boyfriends always want them to give them head, but they won't return the favor. I never understood how a woman could be pleased the same way a guy could when he was getting sucked off. Now there is no question how or why.

I had my first orgasm, and it was amazing. I almost wanted to ask him to do it again, but then I would expect him to ask me to do the same to him, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for that. Thankfully, he didn't ask me to do that, but now I was about to move on to the next level.

Was I ready for this? Did I want to lose my virginity to Jason? I mean, I guess I couldn't think of any better guy in school to lose it to. Everyone talks about it like it's nothing major to hold onto, so why not just go with it and not over think it. I might as well get this over with. At least this would give me more understanding to when May talks about it.

He stood up, and I was glad the lights stayed off, as I was the only one right now completely naked. I wanted to cover myself, but I knew he couldn't really see me, so I decided to lay in all my glorious naked body. I heard his pants moving and then a wrapper being opened. He slowly climbed on me, spreading my legs with his, and bent to suck one of my hard nipples into his mouth. I felt this electric feeling go up my spine, as he started to lay himself on top of me. I swear, the way he was playing with my nipple I might cum again.

While holding himself up on one arm, he used his free hand and slid it between us to dip his finger in me again. He moved one finger in and out of me, then added another, hitting my G spot each time causing me buck up. After a few pumps, I was completely wet and I felt the tip of his hardness at my entrance. When he was lined up, he moved from my nipple with his mouth and kissed me hard. I felt him roll my other nipple with his finger and I let out a moan. Once I did that he started to shove himself inside me.

I instantly tensed up and pulled my mouth from his cringing from how he was stretching me. I was breathing hard and in pain. "Relax. I promise I will make you feel good." He kissed my neck and up my jaw, which calmed me some. As soon as he felt my body slowly loosen up he proceeded to push further into me. "Relax and think of my tongue on your pussy. Sucking and nibbling." That got me. Immediately my body went limp from the idea of his lips on my pussy, and he shoved the rest of the way into me. He stilled, letting me adjust to his size, feeling so full. When I seemed okay, he continued to pump in and out of me.

He was moving a bit faster now. Each time he pulled all the way out and slid back in was ecstasy all over again. "Oh my're so tight! You feel so good, Treya." Just him grunting my name turned me on even more. I noticed something a bit different with Jason's voice, but I was too far gone in cloud nine to register what it was.

He grabbed my hips firmly, which caused me to wince a bit from the bruises that were there, but I looked beyond that as I was about to climax again. As he slammed into me I would buck up to meet his thrusts. I lifted my head and bit down on him and which caused him to pound into me one more time which pushed us both over the edge and me screaming in pleasure. "Fuck Treya!" I could feel him shiver over me while he spilled into me. I could feel the warmth enter me as he slumped on me.

I've never done this before, but I didn't think you could feel his cum through the condom. But maybe that was just a warm feeling I got when I was cumming. Again, I was overthinking the situation, when I should be enjoying the fact I just slept with Jason Marizio. He was a football and basketball God at our school. Yep, and I just did that school God.

He lifted up slightly and kissed me. "Are you okay?" I nodded even though he couldn't see me, but I'm sure he felt it. He got up and, I too, lifted up, with him into a sitting position. "FUCK!" I flinched at his outburst. "The condom fell off. know..good?" Isn't the condom supposed to come off at this point? What was the big deal? I just told him I was a virgin, so of course I was clean.

"Yes, I'm good." He walked over to his adjoining bathroom and turned on the bathroom light. I turned my back to him, and the door was slightly closed, so I knew he couldn't see my body completely at this point. He grabbed my dress and panties and helped me untangle them since he was already dressed. Man, he was fast.

"I'm going to leave you alone to get dressed. Just lock the door when you leave." I didn't look at him, just nodded my head and he closed the door behind him. This was not how I imagined my first time, but then again, nothing in my life was a fairytale.

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