Chapter 20

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We've been driving in silence for almost fifteen minutes now. Some of the scenery looked familiar, but Xavier hasn't said anything to let me know where he was headed. I looked over to him and he wore this stern angry look on his face, with his hands white knuckling the steering wheel. "I think there is one place you might be able to take me to." He didn't move, just continued to stare out the windshield. "Actually, at the next stop sign, you take a left and it's not much further from here." He still hadn't said anything to me. I didn't know what to do. "Xavi..."

"I'm taking you to my place." Well, that was unexpected. I didn't think he would want this kind of drama on his doorstep, since he still hardly knew me. I knew his house was big enough for extra guests, and from gossip around school, his parents were never home. My only concern was his brother. How could stay in Jason's house, and not tell him what's going on with me. 'Oh, hey Jason. Remember when we had sex? Yeah, I'm pregnant. Just thought you might want to know, especially since I'm staying in your home.' Yep, that wouldn't go too well. Would Xavier even tell his brother why I was staying at their home?

We got out of the car, once we were parked into the garage and he led me inside. Once I was in the foyer, I stopped to admire the inside, as it was a different experience when it's not full of drunks and sloppy partiers. Xavier rounded the banister and started up the stairs. At the top of the staircase, he turned left walking into the first door. This felt all to similar when I followed him into his room. Everything about this room, from the feel of it and smell, brought back the memories from the night of the party that is the result of my ever-growing belly. "Was this room Jason's a couple of months ago?"

Xavier scrunched his brows together in confusion while looking at me. For a split moment a flash of recognition went across his face, then replaced with understanding? "Yes. Yes, we did. It was some time after that party about almost 3month ago. I'm always coming in at late hours, so it was easier to be closer to the stairs." The way he explained that seemed so rehearsed. I didn't question it, but made sense why this room was so familiar, because this is where it all started.

"So, you said I was staying here, which room would I be staying in?" This was a 3-story house, so I know they had extra rooms to spare. I was standing halfway in the doorway and leaned back to look down the halls to see all the other rooms. The one next-door seems to be a guest one, but I am not sure how I would feel sleeping that close to Xavier. When I looked to the other side I see Jason heading over. He spots me and his brows undulates in confusion. I quickly slip back inside Xavier's room before Jason gets here and try to ask my question again to Xavier. "Which roo..."

"X, what's going on here? Getting a head start on the party tonight?" Oh no, it's Friday, which means another Marizio party. I am sure there won't be a dull moment staying here. I look at Xavier, who still hasn't answered Jason, but is scrolling through his phone intensely. "BRO!"

Xavier snaps his head up and glares at Jason. "Her name is Treya, and she is not here for the party. She is staying here." Jason looks me over with inquisitiveness, and then back to Xavier. Jason opened his mouth, and then quickly shut it before speaking. "Don't worry, we won't cramp your slut style, baby brother." Xavier smirks, then glances at me and winks. I turned away and glimpsed at Jason to see a shocked look on his face.

Jason looks back at me and then to his brother. "Why is she staying here and in which room?"

"The one connecting to my bathroom here." Jason looked at me again with a playful grin on his face. I was definitely missing something here, as if they have some secret brother decoder, I haven't been privy to. At that moment, is when Jason noticed my casted arm. This, of course, made him review my body a little bit closer, and realization flashed through his facial features. He was now noticing the physical state I was. I'm sure I looked like I was hit by a car, and then that car decided to reverse just to make sur to hit all the spots on me. "You can go now, Bro." At that Jason walked out of the room, and I was glad, for once, to be alone with Xavier and not be questioned about my life.

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