Chapter 2

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The bell rang signaling the first period, I gathered all my books and ran to my locker to shove what I didn't need in it, since my first 2 periods were English and History, so I wouldn't need to lug my math or science book with me.

I try to leave for my locker 2 minutes before the bell, but I lost track of time and needed to run in order to make it to my first class on time. I hated being late, because then everyone stares and I lose my chances choosing my seat in the back away from everyone.

As I turned the corner too quickly, I slammed into a wall. Landing on my butt pretty hard, which would emphasize my bruise I had on my butt and hip, I looked up to see my wall had been none other than the well defined and muscular, X.


"X!" He grunted out. I could tell he wasn't in a good mood, but what I didn't know was, did I cause that or was that anger already there?

"Sorry X. I wasn't paying attention. I just need to get to my locker." I didn't dare look him in the eyes. It's not that I feared him, because I didn't think he would hurt a girl, but I definitely wouldn't want to be on the ugly side of X, as he might make life for me hell at school.

School for me was one of my sanctuaries away from home. My other place is my work, but I don't have much breathing time there since I work at a diner. So if I lose my main escape by pissing off X, then I'm screwed all around.

He glared at me a few more seconds before brushing by me, not without Francesca following on his tail. I peered back at them and could see that Francesca was trying to rub on him, but he was busy talking to another guy and looking very annoyed with Francesca. She was good looking, and so was X, but she must not be his type.

I must've been staring too long, because next thing I know he's locking eyes with me, and I see what looks like curiosity, then annoyance. "What the fuck are your staring at?"

I froze and quickly tucked my head down and got up to head to my locker again. Shoving my books in my locker, I couldn't stop to think what piqued his interest when looking at me. Maybe it was what the guy was saying to him, and I was just reading into it too much. All I know is now I am late to class and I am debating on skipping just to avoid the anxiety I get from all the stares from the other classmates.

I'm actually ahead in my English class, I could take this time to catch up on other homework and relax. So I head to the library since I know no one is there right now. I stroll all the way to the back in the secluded cubicles and pull out my math homework.

As I am looking over some problems I hear some rustling sounds and a few thuds down one of the book aisles. I hear giggling and then a moan. I get up and walk down another aisle getting closer to see who was in here. I peered through the shelves and could see a guys back and just around his shoulder I saw Francesca. She was kissing on his neck and I could see his hands roaming down her side, reaching the hem of her skirt. The guy groaned as Francesca watched his facial expressions. "Don't fucking play with it, suck it!" The guy said in a husky voice.

Francesca grabbed him and flung him to the other shelf and fell to her knees. The guy's face came into plain view, it was Xavier. At this point, I couldn't move or he would notice me, so I stayed still. I heard his zipper of his jeans being pulled down and movement, then a slight sucking and popping sound. Xavier's head leaned back onto the shelf as he reached with his right hand to grip Francesca's head and guide her down his shaft.

Xavier groaned and grunted a couple of times before lifting his head to what I assumed was to look at her. Nope, he lifted and zoned in on me with a grin on his face. It's like he knew I was there this whole time. His look and smile was questioning, asking me if I enjoyed the show.

I couldn't pull my eyes from his. I didn't want to see this, did I? I wouldn't want someone watching me do something this private. He didn't seem to care that I was watching. It almost seemed like he was getting aroused by me watching. Within what felt like minutes, he closed his eyes in what seemed like ecstasy, and must've released himself into her mouth. I could hear Francesca making gagging noises as X started to shudder. "What the fuck X, I told you to blow your load on the books, not in my mouth!" Francesca blurted out.

Xavier ignored her and walked past her and out the library. I slumped back down in my seat and could no longer focus on math problems. I was reeling over what I just witnessed.

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