Chapter 3

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I was stuffing my bag into my locker when May came up and side bumped me with her hip. May was my best friend. She was my only friend. She was the prettier one of us. In fact, she could be good enough for Jessica's group, but she can't stand girls like Jessica. She is a cheerleader though, which never made sense to me.

She's very down to earth and laid back. She almost gives off one of those hippy stoner chic vibes, but with the look of a rich snob. Maybe because she is rich, and she hangs out with me. She's been by my side since 5th grade, when I stuck up for her when someone was making fun of her clothes. Apparently she had just moved back to town from Paris, and the style there was nothing like what people wore here.

"What's up with you? You seem lost in thought. Usually you would be filling me in on what Mr. 'Hotty' Franklin was teaching today, even though I know it's something boring." May was standing there with her hand on her hip waiting for my response. I hadn't really processed what she said, as my mind was still stuck on the library scene.

"I wasn't looking at him, to know if he is hot." May looked at me confused like I just spoke another language. Who knows, maybe I did.

"We both know Mr. Franklin is hot. We are talking about Mr. Franklin from Math class, right?" Were we talking about him? I thought she asked me about...

"Yes. I thought you said...Franky."

"Acne face, Franky?" She scrunched up her face when asking that. I didn't blame her, but I didn't want to mention X in this equation. Franky probably wasn't any better. The poor guy has cystic acne and looks like he is in pain all day.

We were walking to the cafeteria. "Yeah" I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Actually, I was thinking of X."

"That manwhore of a bully?"

"Yeah. I accidentally bumped into him when running to my locker this morning."

May gasped. "Ooohhh. Did he catch you in his big strong arms?" Fanning herself like someone from one of those old westerns.

"Didn't you just call him a manwhore and now you're gushing over if he caught me?"

"Well the man is sex on legs. If I was a guy that sexy, I would sleep around too. But since I am a girl, I would want him tested before touching him with a ten foot pole and even then I'd still have him wrap it like 20 times." When May said that, I envisioned a line of women waiting to have sex with him. Then I imagined what May would look like as a man, just for shits and giggles to myself.

"So look, but don't touch?"


"Well, I did just that. He did not catch me and I landed on my butt and he walked away like I didn't exist." I replayed the image in my head of him glaring at me and then staring back at me when talking to that guy.

"What an asshole. Sexy as shit, but a dick, nonetheless." She said while grabbing a salad and putting it on her tray, and grabbed one for me too. I don't have money, but she thinks I don't like to eat lunch. So she buys me lunch guilt tripping me into eating it by telling me that since she bought it I wouldn't want to waste her money by not eating. She's been doing it for so long, it has become routine.

We sat down at a table with our food, secluded from everyone else. She liked being around other people, but she knew I didn't so we always found an empty bench near the back away from everyone. I glanced over her shoulder and noticed Xavier in the other corner with another girl. Brooklin? Brandy? I knew her name started with a B.

May followed my gaze. "See, a manwhore." May said. I didn't disagree, especially with the display he was putting on for everyone. He was making out with her while his hand was up her shirt. "Brooklin is no saint either. She is such a slut. I heard she was sucking Franky off just for some season tickets to impress another guy."

The things girls in high school will do. I will never understand why people allow this to go on. "X was with Francesca earlier. I guess he needs a new flavor every period." May gaped at me with her jaw open. Did I say that last part out loud? I usually keep my opinions to myself.

"What do you mean he was with Francesca earlier?" May had this curious look in her eyes. Almost like she was hoping I had some massive, juicy gossip to spill. I did, but I wasn't one to start or indulge in gossip, and I wasn't sure how I felt about the situation in the library.

"She was with him when I bumped into him. That's all." She didn't seem to be convinced with the answer, but left it at that.

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