Chapter 7

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"Freak girl? Is that you?" How original. As if they couldn't come up with an inventive insult to call me, instead of 'freak girl' just because I don't try to blend in with high school society like everyone else here. He stood there staring at my body with his mouth clearly wide open.

"Her name is TREYA, douchebag! Can we get one of those, since you don't seem to want to move for others to get their own drink?" May was getting irritated with Jason just blocking the alcohol. She didn't care who you were, piss her off and she would let you know. Plus, she always had a plan she stuck to and no one was going to get in the way of her starting that. May started out with 2 drinks before she would dance, that way she's not too drunk to not know how to dance, but buzzed enough to not give a crap what others think of her dancing.

Jason pulled his eyes away from me and glared at May. He seemed upset that we took him away from his gawking time, as if he was trying to memorize every inch of me. "It's not going anywhere, May! Sorry Treya, here is your drink." I went to grab it from Jason, but he pulled it closer to him so I had to lean into him more. He inched closer to my ear, whispering "That dress looks really good on you, but it would look better on my floor...especially tonight." Was her serious with that pick up line?

I know May couldn't hear what he said, but she had an idea what he was thinking. "In your dreams perv. She doesn't know where your dick has been! Besides, she's all about this pussy. Before you can even ask, NO, you cannot join or watch. Ass!" She grabbed my drink from Jason and pulled me further into the kitchen where the counters were cluttered with liquor bottles and shot glasses. She grabbed a bottle of Patron and poured two shots. One for me and one for her. She slammed her shot as if it was water. Me on the hand, no so much.

From there we went into the backyard where the pool was being used as an ice chest for beer. May grabbed a beer and started walking around. She knew everyone, so of course she would jump into every conversation very easily, as if she was listening the whole time. I stuck by her side like glue. Some recognized me and others thought I was some random outside friend May brought with her.

By the time we were both done with our second beer, we were feeling pretty tipsy and ready to hit the dance floor. It looks like Jason used the dining area for the dance floor, and pushed the dining table and chairs against the back wall where a guy was all set up DJing. May moved through the sea wiggling bodies and started swaying her hips with mine.

I was moving to the rhythm of the music and dancing very seductively with May. I noticed one of Jason's team members, Marco, came up and started pulling May into him. She was sliding her body against his, while his hands roamed the side of her hips and thighs. I was still in front of her, when I felt hands slide around my waist and curl around my stomach. He pulled me into him and started moving with me. I felt him grinding a little when his dick started getting hard.

I felt his breath against my ear, and he inhaled. "You smell so good. I wonder if you taste just as good." I tilted my head and was inches from Jason's face. Our lips were so close that our breaths were mingling with one another. I could see, based on the glassy hooded look, he was drunk. He looked at my lips and pushed his lips onto mine, giving me a very drunk, sloppy kiss.

He tasted like liquor and cigars. I had heard that sometimes the boys at these parties liked to smoke cigars to look like they were part of the mafia or something. It was gross. I pulled away out of breath and looked at him again. "What about Jessica?" I knew they weren't dating, but I wasn't trying to get on anyone's bad side, since my goal is to be invisible at school until graduation.

"Who?" I looked at him with one eyebrow up, like I was an idiot. He laughed at me, and shifted his head off to a corner. "She's with someone else. It looks like May is busy too." I looked past a few people and noticed May had moved away from me caught up in Marcos arms making out. I also had noticed a girl that looked like Jessica, was too, making out with some guy.

I looked back at Jason again and noticed he was studying me. I could feel how hard he was and was pushing against my ass. "What are you doing?" I felt like he was trying to tell me something by the way he kept touching me and moving himself against me, while inching off the dance floor.

"Meet me in my bedroom. I'm upstairs to the left...No, I'm so backwards. I'm on the right first door. I'm going to meet you up there." I couldn't deny Jason was hot, and I wouldn't mind making out with him, even if it was just for tonight. I already knew he would pretend I didn't exist, again, once back at school. I saw no harm in one night of pretend bliss. I nodded my head and headed upstairs.

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