Chapter 23

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The next day after Xavier decided to take over any decisions I make with my life, and had me walk out of my work, I pretty much stayed in my room, moping. I wouldn't admit it to Xavier, but I would much rather have this kind of control at home, than the one I had with my dad. Again, all day that Sunday, Xavier was gone, to who knows where, but would only text me that he had business to handle and that Rosey would be here to help with anything I needed. Basically, she was here to babysit to make sure I didn't make a run for it.

It wasn't too bad. Rosa, as I found out she prefers to be called, since her real name is Rosalinda. She has a slight Spanish accent, as she has been in the country for about 35 years, coming over when she was 17 years old, and has only known the Marizio family. She says that they were the first family to take her in when she knew no English and was on the streets holding up signs that someone would write for her to ask for food. She helped raise both boys, Xavier and Jason, since they day they came home from the hospital. She also mentioned that it has only been the last 4 years, that Mr. and Mrs. Marizio started staying out of town longer and longer, and last year, they just stopped coming home. Now it's just her and the boys, and she lives in a guest house slash pool house in the back, so she feels as if she has her own private life.

It was nice having someone to talk with and not feel like I need to do anything, stress about the next meal, or fearing the idea of relaxing. She even gave me a remedy to help with my morning sickness, that allowed me to be able to hold down some small bites of bland chicken and rice. Unfortunately, I still had another life I still needed to acknowledge...High school. Come Monday morning was an interesting one. It was awkward riding to school with Xavier, but I had to expect that since I can't walk to school from where he lives, and I don't have a car. I even tried to have him drop me off down the block so no one would see us roll in together, but he was not budging on the thought.

Sure enough, we pulled into the parking lot, and all eyes were on us. Correction, they were on me. Here comes the freak girl getting rides to school from the school bad boy slash hottie. To make things worse, Xavier was practically glued to my side. He wouldn't make conversation or eye contact with me, just would follow me everywhere I went. From walking into the school and to my locker, to waiting outside my classes until the bell would ring, if he was not in that class, to even escorting me to the damn bathroom. I even threw a little sarcasm at him while rolling my eyes when I came out the bathroom, telling him I was surprised he didn't come in and wipe my ass for me. I shocked to say the least when he responded with, "Next time, I think I will come in and make sure you're all satisfied and clean before leaving the bathroom." along with a mischievous smirk and a wink to add to it.

I think the only time I was not around at school, was at lunch time when I would spend it with May. Who of course, had questions up the ass to ask about Xavier and my...predicament. Without giving too much away about what was going on with me with my dad, I told her pretty much what I knew myself, which nothing. Xavier hasn't really explained my living situation as in how long, why, or what's going to happen when the baby comes. Speaking of baby, I had to spill the beans to May about that too. She says she had a feeling, when I told her a few weeks ago that I was feeling sick but didn't want to pry.

It has been like this now for about 3 weeks, and the school still whispers when I walk the halls with Xavier. I haven't decided which rumor is more entertaining. I have either paid him to have as my arm eye candy, He feels sorry for me and is doing some kind of charity work, or my favorite, my dad is in the mafia and paid him to have an arranged marriage, so we need to be seen together everywhere we go. I want to know what TV shows these people are watching to get all these crazy ideas. None of this, of course, seems to faze Xavier one bit. He still doesn't say much to me while at school, but always seems to know what I need and silently does it. During my morning sickness stage, he was always there with fresh water, and even started carrying a change of clothes for me in case it didn't always make it into the toilet. He was also able to get a hold of Zophran for me, to help with the nausea.

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