Chapter 36

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--Xavier's POV--

Two days. Two fucking days, and still nothing. Antoine was no help after all. I had the Red Devils surrounded in the parking lot hiding behind vehicles, waiting for one of their women to stumble out so we could send Antoine their way. After waiting several hours, victory came out, so we thought. It turns out Black Smoke MC must've been tailing Treya and me for some time. Even drunk, the club whore finally figured out who he was.

"Hey, yur that pathetic sssjock kid who has a boner for that shick!" Slurring her words, the whole way, she knew that Antoine was somehow connected to Treya. "I hear all the boyz talk boot her. Tezza? Teresa? Tarzan?" She blurted out laughing over her own error in names. "That last one is a moooovie! I think the boyz need ta know yur here. Ther not gonna be ha...ppyeeee!"

As she hiccupped that last statement as she was turning, my team bolted out and grabbed her. As soon as we got her into the back of an SUV we had, she conked out. We had to stop off at a gas station for the SUV. Apparently, no one else thought to stop to watch the SUV while the driver went in to pay for the gas, and the woman woke up and got away.

We knew as soon as she made it back to the club, she would warn them all that we were on the move to collecting information by any means. This would cause a problem, as they would all jump up the security for their club. We ended up giving up on that idea and try to get more information out of Bird, as well as scoping any video footage we could. Now that my father was home, we had all the manpower working all hours of the day and night looking for any information we could. I was seriously starting to lose hope and thinking that I would never see Treya again.

"Hello." My father answered his phone. "Yes, hold." He pulled his phone away from his ear and clicked the speaker phone for us all to hear. "Mr. Stilo, my son is here."

"Good. I just received a call my daughter." He spoke to May, which means if she is okay, then Treya had to be. I encouraged him to continue. "Somehow Treya was able to help May escape. Unfortunately, Treya was captured again, and was able to stall the men long enough for May to escape." My heart was pounding like crazy, and I was about to lose it. I wanted to hate May for being safe and Treya not. I was scared, I was scared for Treya and my son.

"Where is she?" Wherever May was, Treya had to be close by if they didn't move her knowing that May would bring reinforcements.

"I don't know yet. She was only just able to find an old payphone and called me. I have some guys tracing the phone, so once I have the location, I can text you. She said that she feels like she has been running for several miles, and it's a broken little town. Everyone seems to already be in bed, so nothing is open. The place she was at was some kind of massive warehouse in the middle of a wheat field. She only escaped from ducking in the wheat and crawled to the tree lines before she ran."

Once the call ended, I had everyone grab everything, and loaded the vehicles, so when we received the address, we were out. As all the men were loading everything, Rosa came slowly walking in from around the corner. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying over Treya, I'm sure. "Mr. Xavier? You going to bring out Treya home?" Fear and worry were etched onto her face for the love she had for Treya.

"We are going now. When I come back, she will be with me too." I was not going to come without her.

We drove for two hours. While on the drive, my father mentioned remembering Guts having some operation way out in the middle of nowhere, so there would be no disturbance from the law. My father never went to this operation, but he had a pretty good idea where it is from the one of his men, he used to have keep tabs on Guts.

We found Charles Stilo at this old truck stop, with May wrapped up in a blanket in the front seat of his car. "How is she?"

"She shaken up. She said she came from the east, just down that way." He was point to some tree line behind a line of shops. "She thinks that if you follow the road and take a right your first chance you get, you may come across it. She thinks it might be some old mill, which would make sense based on the look of this little town."

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